Title: The New ‘Back to Normal’: CEFR Online Interaction Activities and Strategies in German as a Second Language (GSL) Courses
Page: 27-42
Author(s): Kerstin Pramstaller (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37546/JALTSIG.CEFR6-2 DOI is not yet activated, it will take a few days to get confirmation from the central database.
This article is open access and licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.
During the two years of the pandemic, online interaction activities certainly aided communication between communities, families and students, and at work. After these two years, now – in 2023 – interaction activities seem to have returned to a level of normality, but what kind of normality are we referring to? This paper intends to explore online interaction activities and strategies at a time when online interaction is no longer necessary, due to extreme external conditions, but remains a sense-making practice in German as a Second Language (GSL) courses. This point of view is based on the author’s conviction that online interaction has become part of today’s real-life communication in our increasingly digital world, and that students of German language courses are supposed to engage in real-life tasks during the tutorials and beyond, such as online discussions about a specific topic with their peers. In this context ‘multi-modal learning’ is key for a successful (language) learning process with a view to achieving digital citizenship.
Keywords: CEFR/CV, online interaction activities and strategies, multi-modal learning, real-life communication, digital citizens
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