Upcoming events of JALT CEFR & LP SIG are also available on Facebook click here and on Twitter #CEFR_LP:
Selected overview of events related to JALT, CEFR & LP SIG, the CEFR and CEFR CV, Language Portfolio and related organisations and topics. It is an selection by the coordinatior of CEFR & LP SIG. If you have further information relevant for this site here, please contact the coordinator, if you are interested in a joint event with CEFR & LP SIG you are welcome, please contact us!
December 2nd, 2024 Neus Figueras (Online), Bedfordshire CRELLA (GB), online 11 pm JST, to register click here
December 5th, 2024 API Educational Forum Workshop (Online), online 12 am JST (5th > 6th), contact Brian North
December 13th, 2024 Annual General Meeting of CEFR LP SIG for 2024 (3-4 pm) and CEFR related thematic open News and Talk time (4-5 pm)
March 25-26, 2025 CEFR-J Symposium, Kyoto, Cfp open until January 15th, 2025 Please click here to get more information
PanSIG 2025 in Chiba, KUIS, Call for presentations open until January 14, 2025 Please click here to get more information
June 19-20, 2025 API Education Forum, Rome, Cfp some slots still available
JALT 2025 in Tokyo, Yoyogi from October 31st to November 2nd, 2024, Call opens soon
Please see below of the page in the Archive for the events and meetings held in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
The next upcoming CEFR and CEFR LP SIG events * in 2 0 2 4 * are
International CEFR related networks:
The newly formed Action-oriented, Plurilingual and Intercultural (API) Education Forum holds an online workshop series in fall 2024 from September to December on the first Thursday each month. The time in Japan is 11 pm or midnight.
API Education Forum, which is an international community of academics, teachers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, administrators, and policy makers in the broad field of language and literacy education, has been initiated by the CEFRi Expert Group. Presently it announces the 2024-2025 series of online presentations as a successor to the 2021-2023 series of CEFRCV-related online workshops offered by the Council of Europe. The purpose of the new API series of events is to present and discuss with members and friends of the Forum new research and pedagogical developments, as well as resources, publications, initiatives and events – and much more!
If you are interested to attend, write an email to Brian North or contact the SIG president. It is held online and is free of charge.
September 5th, 2024 (online): Mediation as negotiation of meanings for plurilingualism by Bessie Dendrinos, Johann Fischer, Kia Karavas. This session will introduce the recently published book with a similar title. After an introduction to the publication and the chapters in it, two of the chapters will be presented in more detail. The first API Forum Conference is planned in Rome (Italy) from June 19th to 20th, 2025. * * * * * * * * Annual General Meeting of CEFR LP SIG for 2024 December 13, 2024 from 3 pm to 4 pm, online Dear Members of CEFR LP SIG, you are kindly invited to the Annual General Meeting of CEFR LP SIG for 2024 to be held online on December 13, 2024 from 3 pm to 4 pm. SIG members will receive the invitation by email. Interested colleagues who are not actual members of JALT and/or of JALT CEFR LP SIG are welcome to attend. Yet, voting will take place online before the meeting. If something needed to be voted on during the AGM, only regular members of JALT CEFR LP SIG will be eligible to vote. To get a link please contact the President of CEFR LP SIG. Click here for more information Agenda for the AGM: Report of CEFR LP activities in 2024, Officer reports, Voting Results, Discussion items. CEFR related thematic open News and Talk time December 13, 2024 from 4 pm to 5 pm, online After the AGM a CEFR related thematic open News and Talk time will take place from 4 pm to 5 pm on plans and events related to the CEFR in Japan and internationally. It is a time and a space to ask, exchange ideas on various CEFR and/or JALT related conferences, working groups in 2025. If you plan a presentation, a paper, a research in the near future related the CEFR and/or LP feel free to reach out. Interested? Please contact the President of CEFR LP SIG Click here for more information News on CEFR and LP discussion and development PanSIG 2025 (Chiba, KUIS) Call for papers open until January, 2025 JALT 2025 (Tokyo, Yoyogi) Call for papers opens soon, will be open until February 17th, 2025 CEFR-J Symposium in Kyoto (March 2025) API Meetings and Conference CEFR Journal - Research and Practice Planning a Research project, a Kaken project and other topics coming up. * * * * * * * * Thank you for coming to CEFR LP SIG events at ☆ 50th ☆ JALT International Conference 2024 in Shizuoka. JALT International Conference 2024 is the 50th conference! Let's celebrate! November 15-18, 2024 in Shizuoka Find more details at Have a look at the program! CEFR LP SIG will have a SIG table in Room 910 on Saturday and Sunday (together with OLE SIG). Featured Speaker of CEFR & LP SIG: Morten Hunke (Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences) Morten Hunke is a long-term CEFR LP SIG member and officer. He has teaching experience in the UK, Sweden, Germany, and Japan. He was in charge of strategy and innovation at the high-stake test developing TestDaF-Institute in Bochum, Germany. He is a member of EALTA. He is co-founder and a co-editor of the CEFR Journal – Research and Practice, which gained a lot of international attention. He is an author and co-editor of various publications.
Featured Speaker Attributes: Morten has been a regular contributor to JALT in many capacities over the years. Morten's outlook is always towards new pathways and alleyways in regards to his great passions: language learning and teaching and international mobility. Morten has worked and researched on a variety of aspects of cross-cultural communication and interaction. He is currently taking a particularly keen interest in international mobility as well as the adaptation of the CEFR – especially outside of Europe – but has also explored uses of literary formats and performances in the realm of language learning and teaching. His multiple experiences in many contexts globally, makes him an ideally suited contributor to JALT2024.
Featured Speaker Workshop (60 min.) CEFR Quo Vadis? – Myths, Recent Trends, and Perspectives Morten Hunke (Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences) Saturday, November 16th, Time: 12:25 PM - 1:25 PM (60 minutes), Room: 1001-2 Summary: The recent development of the CEFR looks towards creating opportunities for more transparent language education, with an emphasis on mediation to raise awareness and foster inclusion in the interaction of groups with a diverse background. As a framework it aims to develop excellence for learners and teachers at the same time by its reference levels. The speaker will exemplify by a range of international case studies what the CEFR contributes to the future. Practice-oriented Short Workshop (25 min.) The Journey of the CEFR Journal: Multiplying Best Practice Morten Hunke (Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences) Sunday, November 17th, Time: 12:35 PM - 1:00 PM (25 minutes), Room: 1001-2 Summary: Creating a platform for teachers, researchers, practitioners in the field of language learning and teaching has been the prime objective of this journal. We pride ourselves in helping, aiding, and guiding (potential) contributors along the way of getting published. We have incorporated the principle of epistemic respect into our reviewer guidelines. And we have installed strong peer review components into the reviewing process. In short, we are attempting to multiply best practice, in many ways. * * * * * CEFR LP SIG Forum The CEFR and CEFR/CV in the Classroom: Needs of Teachers This three presenters forum addresses the needs of teachers using the common European framework for reference of languages (CEFR) and its companion volume (CEFR/CV) efficiently. The first presentation focuses on mediation for transforming the conventional 4 skill-based classroom to a dynamic action-oriented language classroom. The second dives into analyzing writing task difficulty for Japanese university students. The third reflects on considering dynamic and formative assessment of interactive tasks in the classroom. When: Saturday, November 16th 2:45 PM - Where: Room: Hikae 2 (1F) Who: Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Nihon University); Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University); Yoko Oi (Waseda University) Presentation 1: Yoko Oi (Waseda University) Analyzing Writing Task Difficulty for Japanese University Students
This study examines the difficulty of writing tasks commonly found in academic writing textbooks used by Japanese university students. Understanding task difficulty helps teachers sequence writing assignments effectively and assists textbook authors in refining their content. Additionally, awareness of task difficulty can help students progressively develop their writing skills. The study involved 50 Japanese university students aged 19 to 21, along with two experienced Japanese English teachers as raters. The research was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, the two raters analyzed thirty academic writing textbooks using the CEFR Grid for Writing Tasks v. 3.1. The same teachers later assessed the students' writing. The second and third phases focused on identifying and analyzing the most common writing tasks using the FACETS software (Linacre, 2021, Ver. 3.83.6). The analysis revealed that "explaining" and "narrating" were the most frequent tasks, with examples including illustration and describing others for "explaining," and time order and self-introduction for "narrating." In the second phase, 12 frequently occurring tasks were selected for further difficulty analysis based on the textbook review. In the third phase, students were asked to complete these 12 tasks in English without dictionaries during regular classes. Their work was evaluated by the raters using a four-component assessment: (1) task fulfillment, (2) structure and coherence, (3) vocabulary accuracy, and (4) grammar accuracy. Each component was scored out of five, for a total possible score of 20 points. The results indicated that the illustration task under "explaining" was the most challenging, whereas writing a letter was the easiest task for the students.
Presentation 2: Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University) Mediation for transforming the conventional 4 skill-based classroom to a dynamic action-oriented language classroom
This presentation will propose a transformative shift from the conventional model of language teaching, which focuses on the discrete development of language skills, to a dynamic, action-oriented, project-based classroom using Mediation, newly introduced in the CEFR Companion Volume (Council of Europe 2020). This paradigm shift advocates a view of language as a cognitive tool for thinking deeply and articulating that thinking through collaboration. The presentation will begin with an exploration of the concept of mediation and three types of mediation activities and mediation strategies. Mediation activities, particularly Mediating Concepts activities, help learners to use language as a cognitive tool to think about a controversial issue in society and to articulate that thinking while developing ideas in a collaborative way. The presentation will then turn to the practical implementation of relational and cognitive mediation descriptors to a project-based learning. The descriptors to be used include "facilitating collaborative interaction with peers," "collaborating to construct meaning," and "facilitating conceptual talk." The presentation will identify the competencies and strategies that need to be acquired, and then provide some examples of concrete tasks performed in and out of the classroom while completing a sample project. Participants will gain insights into structuring the project to align with these descriptors and foster collaborative learning experiences. The presentation will explore this innovative approach to language teaching and offer practical insights and strategies for seamlessly integrating the CEFR's concept of mediation and its scaled descriptors into the classroom.
Presentation 3: Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Nihon University Dynamic and formative assessment of interactive tasks in the classroom
The underlying research question for this presentation is what kind of assessment supports the action-oriented approach of the CEFR Companion Volume with interactive tasks at the center. As tasks involve not only the linguistic performance level (spoken or written) which can be captured with summative assessment, interactive tasks with peers are including collaboration, negotiation of meaning, mediating concepts. The tasks include therefore aspects of a dynamic interactional process. Formative assessment can support learners to become aware of issues while performing the tasks, summative assessment will evaluate the outcome, their end-product. But to what extend can collaboration, negotiation of meaning, mediating concepts be appropriately included in the evaluation of interactive task? This presentation will have a look at Dynamic Assessment (Poehner, 2008; Lantolf & Poehner, 2004) and Formative Assessment (Dylan, 2018) to examine possible criteria discussing exemplary tasks from the VIT Tool box project (ECML, Johann Fisher, 2024).
CEFR and Portfolio related presentations: Bringing Taiwan and Japan Closer: A COIL Experience HsuJeng-yih Tim (National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology), Gregory Birch (Seisen Jogakuin College) Saturday, November 16th, 17:50-18:15, Practice Room 2 (B1)、70 This study documents a collaborative-online-international-learning (COIL) exchange between a Taiwanese and Japanese university. This study explored changes in students' willingness to communicate in English, learning engagement, intercultural awareness, and student performance during presentations as well as teacher and student views of course effectiveness. The findings suggest that the exchange has enhanced students' engagement and improved intercultural awareness. It is confirmed that trust, team dynamics, and task selection are essential components of a successful COIL course. Introducing the CEFR and Language Portfolio: Learner Views Colin Rundle (Soka University), Nelson Forrest (Soka University), Lian NgGee (Soka University) Sunday, November 17th 16:50-17:15, Room 904 | 219 This research investigates the introduction of the common European framework of reference (CEFR) and a Japanese version of the European language portfolio in a private university. Online materials to introduce the CEFR and portfolio were developed and used in English classes over one semester. A questionnaire was administered three times to monitor students' understanding and evaluations of the CEFR and the portfolio. The results suggest how to effectively introduce the CEFR and use portfolios. Selected Presentations at JALT 2024 with the Keyword – CEFR and / or Portfolio Transforming English Language Education in Japan by Robert Chartrand - Kurume University Saturday, November 16th 11:15 AM -11:40 AM, Conference Hall 630 In response to Japan’s declining demographics, I advised a private high school in Tokyo to transition from traditional English teaching methods to a curriculum focused on practical skills, aligned with the CEFR and Cambridge English Qualifications. Challenges included reconciling MEXT requirements with global standards and improving teaching quality. Strategies employed were online reading and vocabulary programs, along with international exchanges to boost literacy, motivation, and cultural understanding. English education became more practical and engaging. Phonetic, Lexical, and Interactional Cues to Proficiency by Cangemi, Francesco - University of Tokyo Saturday, November 16th 11:15 AM, Room: 1002 Quantifying L2 proficiency is a challenging task. This is particularly true for real-life situations, which are difficult to capture in standardized tests. To quantify real-life proficiency, I combined phonetic, lexical, and interactional metrics. From a 1-hour corpus of video recordings of English interviews with Japanese students, I extracted pruned speech rate, variety of lexical types, and percentage of between-interviewer transitions. These three simple metrics correlate well with students' CEFR and TOEIC scores. (Japanese subtitles included). Enhance L2 Writing?: AI for Beginner-Level College Students Emi, Hennessy - University of Fukui, Sponsored by Hokuriku JALT Chapter Saturday, November 16th 11:50 AM, Room: Hikae 2 (2F) Is using ChatGPT helpful in editing writing assignments? The presentation will cover its impact on a general English class of 27 1st-year engineering students at a Japanese national university who have a common European framework of reference (CEFR) level of A1. The speaker will introduce class design, preliminary analysis of ChatGPT feedback, student feedback through questionnaires, and pre- and posttest results to assess if there is any observable benefit of using ChatGPT in EFL. The Magic Formula for Orthographic Mapping by Kenner, Keff - University of Nagano, Sponsored by Shinshu JALT Chapter Saturday, November 16th 5:50 PM, Room: 905 JALT Junior Session Saturday, November 16th 5:50 PM, Room: 905 JALT Junior SessionThis study explores the effectiveness of teaching phonics and Dolch sight words on reading readiness to second language learners at the elementary school level. Buttressed by phonics and graded readers, most students attain a common European framework of reference (CEFR) Level A1 by the 5th or 6th grades. The teaching of phonics lays the groundwork for decoding skills while the intensive learning of sight words provides the sight strategy to become skilled readers. Replacing Textbooks: A Case Study in Curriculum Redesign by Robert Cochrane - Nanzan University Sunday, November 17th 9:30 AM- 9:55 AM, Room: Hikae 2 (1F) This case study of a yearlong academic English course examines a holistic, process, and production-based curriculum, which replaced traditional exams with portfolio-style assessments. Designed around a task-based and/or project-based framework, the curriculum enhanced both language and academic skills by exchanging conventional textbook-style activities with collaborative research projects. This presentation discusses the theoretical foundations, design, and assessment processes of the approach, as well as insights from students' experiences and perceptions. Exploring Psychology of Language Learning in a CLIL Course by Eduardo Castro - KUIS; Dominique Vola Ambinintsoa Razafindratsimba - KUIS Sunday, November 17th 9:30 AM- 9:55 AM, Room: 1003 This presentation introduces a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) course designed to provide university students with knowledge, skills, and strategies to comprehend and manage psychological factors in language learning. We also discuss our findings from the analysis of questionnaires and portfolio reflections, which suggest that the reflection on psychological factors related to language learning led to an increase in students' self-awareness, self-perception, sense of personal growth, and the creation of a positive learning community. Prioritizing the Writing Process Through Research Portfolios by Todd Hooper - Setsunan University Sunday, November 17th 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM, Room: UMI (EME), Poster Session With the growing use of machine translation and AI by students, it is necessary to adopt a process-oriented approach to writing. In this presentation, the speaker will introduce how research portfolios can be used to emphasize the writing process. Advice on how to build these portfolios and how to discuss and use them with students will be given. Examples from the speaker's 4th-year seminar will be provided. Introducing Envoy by IDP a New Online Adaptive English Test by Josephine, Williams- IDP Education (Envoy by IDP), Sponsored by Envoy by IDP Sunday, November 17th 1:45 PM, Room: A/V Hall (2F) Envoy by IDP is a new online, accurate and adaptive English language proficiency test. Designed with teachers in mind. Envoy is powered by the latest AI technology, delivering CEFR-aligned results within 2 hours of taking the test. It is flexible in design, and can test one or multiple skills depending on your organization's needs. Join us to hear more about this innovative new product and how it can help create efficiencies and assess your students. A Path to Excellence With AI-Driven Placement Tests by Thépaut, Sabine - Kansai Gaidai University Sunday, November 17th 2:55 PM, Room: 1202 This session explores a novel AI-based solution to improve English placement accuracy in educational settings and to address traditional methods' limitations. It details the development of an AI-based English placement test, including algorithm training and test design aligned with common European framework of reference (CEFR) benchmarks, and findings from a pilot study at a private Japanese university. Participants will learn how to create accurate, efficient, and cost-effective placement tests for their institutions. Scrapbooking Social Issues in University English Classes by Kunert, Hannah - Komazawa University Sunday, November 17th 5:25 PM, Room: Hikae 1 (1F) This presentation reports on the implementation of a new style of reading/writing course at a Japanese university. The goals were threefold: to give students access to examples of authentic language; to raise students' social awareness, and to tes "academic scrapbooking" as an alternative to both published textbooks and online portfolios. The successes and challenges of this course will be reported on, as well as what changes were made for the following semester. Beyond the Binder: Crafting Portfolios for Success by Hayford IV, Jack - NIC International College in Japan; Lawson, Andrew - NIC International College in Japan Sunday, November 17th 6:00 PM, Room: 1002 This workshop explores the transformative potential of portfolios to cultivate academic English and digital literacy skills. Through reflection, real-world application, and peer feedback, attendees will discover how portfolios enhance motivation, critical thinking, and finding great meaning in homework assignments. Drawing from research and practical examples, educators will gain insights into guiding students in portfolio creation, fostering student ownership of their learning, and preparing them for success across various contexts. Michele Steele Best of JALT Awards Ceremony – Koryu Hall (6F) 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM CEFR LP SIG AGM and Officer Election planned for December 2024, CEFR LP SIG members will receive an individual invitation! * * * * (Information as of November 20th, 2024) * * * * ====================================================================================== Past events * * * * * Archive of events * * * * * * * CEFR LP SIG - Reports on Events in 2024 Notes on selected events in 2024 related to the CEFR or befriended groups: September 12 - 14, 2024 CercleS conference “Multilingualism & the Anglosphere”, Durham, Great Britain, 2024, Report: At CERCLES 2024 in Durham (Great Britain) two representatives of the Kaken Research Team: Noriko Nagai and Gabriela Schmidt presented in a online-held Workshop on Friday, September 13th, the results of the Kaken Research Project that just finished in March this year. The team had the opportunity to connect with practitioners and researchers in Europe and exchange ideas. We hope to expand and continue more cooperation in the near future. For more details of the report, see the CEFR LP SIG Newsletter no. 42 October/November 2024. August 11-17, 2024 AILA 2024 conference in Kuala Lumpur, see Report: At AILA 2024 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) the Kaken Research Team: Noriko Nagai, Gregory Birch, Gabriela Schmidt and Jack Bower presented on August 16th, 2024 in a Workshop the results of the Kaken Research Project that just finished in March this year. The team had the opportunity to connect with practitioners and researchers on an international level, especially with the CEFR-research group in Malaysia. We hope to establish some cooperation in the near future. For more details of the report, see the CEFR LP SIG Newsletter no. 42 October/November 2024. April 20th, 2024 (Sat) ICLHE Symposium (Integrated Content and Language in Higher Education (East Asia)) Conference in Niigata, Call open until March 1st, 2024 May 11-12, 2024 DIELE International Hybrid Conference 2024, Diversity and Inclusion in English Language Education, at Soka University, Tokyo, Japan June 4-9, 2024 EALTA in Belfast (Northern Ireland) on Taking stock – Looking at the past, present, and future of language assessment in Europe and beyond. July 5-6, 2024 TBLT in Asia 2024, Nagoya, Meijo University, Cfp March 15th, 2024 August 11-17, 2024 AILA 2024 conference in Kuala Lumpur, see August 28-30, 2024 JACET International Convention, at Aichi University, Nagoya Campus, on Positioning ELT in Higher Education, CfP from Jan. 8th – Feb. 8th, 2024, September 12 - 14, 2024 CercleS conference “Multilingualism & the Anglosphere”, Durham, Great Britain, CfP until February 16th, 2024, October 18–19, 2024: Responding to the CEFR Alignment Handbook, Sharing experience of alignment activities and reflecting on lessons learned, Blanquerna – Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Call in January 2024 CEFR LP SIG - Reports on Events in 2024 PanSIG 2024 May 24th-26th, 2024in Fukui, at the Fukui University of Technology: Back to basics See more at CEFR LP SIG Forum at PanSIG 2024: Initiating Action Research:Transforming Current Practices with CEFR Key Concepts, Saturday, May 25th, 2024, starting at 13:20~ Presenters: Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Nihon University), Gregory C. Birch (Seisen Jogakuin College), Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University), Jack V. Bower (Waseda University) With 3 case studies by Engel Villareal (Tsuchiura Nihon University Secondary Highschool), Adiene Roque de Hishiyama (Seikei University), Colin Rundle (Soka University), Bryan Buschner (Soka University), Forrest Nelson (Soka University), Eucharia Donnery (Soka University) Abstract: This forum seeks to cultivate a discourse among novice and experienced practitioner-researchers concerning the implementation of the CEFR within diverse local contexts. The forum begins with a concise exposition of the fundamental philosophical underpinnings of the CEFR, exerting a pervasive influence on all facets of language pedagogy. Emphasis is placed on the conceptualization of the learner as a social agent and the adoption of an action-oriented approach. Then, the forum attempts to elucidate three case studies (developing pre-A1 and A1 writing, aesthetic language use in classroom, learners view on the portfolio) wherein the CEFR has been tailored to accommodate distinct domains of language instruction within various local contexts. This exploration is intended to provide participants with practical insights into the versatile application of the CEFR across different educational settings. Finally, the forum engages in an in-depth examination of the challenges associated with the implementation of the CEFR by novice practitioner-researchers in their pedagogical endeavors. Deliberations encompass potential difficulties and issues that may arise during the adaptation of the CEFR into teaching practices. Furthermore, the forum offers discerning perspectives on overcoming these challenges, offering essential guidance to facilitate the seamless inte gration of the CEFR within varied educational environments. Brief Introduction and Background 10 Minutes, Each case study 10 Minutes each: Case study 1: Engel Villareal: Empowering Pre-A1 and A1 ESL Learners to Write: From Foundational Skills to Flowing Text, Presented by Engel Villareal (Tsuchiura Nihon University Secondary Highschool) Case study 2: Colin Rundle, Bryan Buschner, Forrest Nelson, Eucharia Donnery: Introducing the CEFR and Language Portfolio: Learner Views Case study 3: Adiene Roque de Hishiyama (Seikei University) The aesthetic treatment of language. The case of teaching through songs at university level in Japan Interactive Group Discussion (involving all, 30 Minutes), Take away, Q & A and Wrap up (15 Minutes) * * * * * Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University): A comprehensive CEFR guide for transformative teaching and learning Sat May 25th, 2025, 16:00 ~ 16:25 Abstract: This presentation aims to show how the CEFR can be used to enhance current teaching practices by explaining its core concepts and demonstrating principled ways to adapt the CEFR to local contexts. While language educators are generally familiar with the proficiency levels of the CEFR (A1 to C2), many do not seem to have a deeper understanding of the key concepts of the CEFR and principled ways to adapt the illustrative descriptors to their local contexts, thus hindering transformative innovation in language teaching/learning (Little 2022, North 2020). This presentation will begin by exploring the core concept of the CEFR, the action-oriented approach, and distinguishing it from related approaches such as task-based language teaching and project-based language learning. It emphasizes that the action-oriented approach is not just a teaching methodology, but a fundamental philosophical concept that shapes the overall framework of language education. The presentation then offers a comprehensive guide to adapting illustrative descriptors to local contexts using several language activity descriptors. By clarifying key concepts and providing practical adaptation strategies, this presentation aims to empower language educators to integrate the CEFR effectively, thereby promoting transformative language teaching and learning. * * * * * * * Thank you for engaging and taking part in the CEFR Reflection Meeting on March 5th, 2024 online, 14:30 - 16:00, online. It was a very intensive discussion and exchange. We will continue this kind of CEFR Reflection Meeting We discussed the report of the CEFR Reflection Day: The CEFR Companion Volume: Enhancing engagement in language education. Reflection Day, held on June 15th, 2023. We will focus on theme 3 and 4, with a general discussion at the end. - Theme 3: How do action-orientation, mediation and plurilingualism, interrelate and align with recent developments in language education - Theme 4: How can the CEFRCV support the creation of (digitally-mediated) collaborative learning environments in the post-Covid context? Further topics of the discussion could be: Assessment for Learning. Mediation. How to integrate CEFR concepts into the actual classes we teach. How to use CEFR ideas in our classes for improving our classes, and for the students improving their language learning. The other suggestion is to learn and hear more about real-world applications of CEFR tools and materials with first-hand accounts and best practices on how educators are using them to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment at all levels. This is a very good suggestion and fits with the plans we actually have for 2024, starting a webinar series, with each webinar focusing on a specific area or tool at a particular CEFR level. Click here to see more details and link to download the report Events in 2023 CEFR Journal - Snapshot Talk (May 5th, 2023 (online)) PanSIG 2024 in Kyoto, CEFR LP SIG Forum (May 12th-14th, 2023) JALT Akita Chapter & CEFR LP SIG joint event (May 20th, 2023 (online)) CEFR LP SIG - Share your CEFR tool (July 23rd, 2023 (online)) JALT International Conference 2023 in Tsukuba CEFR LP SIG Forum (November 24th-27th, 2023) CEFR LP SIG AGM (December 8th, 2023)
JALT International Conference 2023 in Tsukuba, November 24th - 27th, 2023, CEFR & LP SIG Forum: No research without action. No action without research, Saturday, November 25th, 2023 11:00 - 12:30 Abstract: The purpose of this forum is to discuss ways to improve your current teaching practice through action research (AR). First, participants’ teaching problems will be elicited through reflection using key CEFR concepts, such as coherent alignment of planning, teaching/learning, and assessment; the action-oriented approach; and learner autonomy. Then, small groups moderated by those who have successfully conducted CEFR-informed AR, will discuss ways to solve these problems using CEFR resources. Presenters: Gabriela Schmidt, Noriko Nagai, Gregory Birch, Jack Bower, and others * * * * * * * * CEFR & LP SIG related presentations at JALT 2023 on the SIG topic and by SIG members: Designing CEFR-Informed Skills-Based Language Materials Thompson, Colin - Josai International University, SAT 12:10 PM - 1:10 PM, This workshop will present two multi-skilled English language textbooks designed on the communicative aims of CEFR. CEFR 's influence in language proficiency and assessment continues to grow; however, this workshop will show how language materials can be designed to follow CEFR 's 'action-orientated ' approach to learning. The textbooks aim to improve learners ' communicative and cognitive skills as they progress from A1-B2 levels. Attendees will have opportunities to examine the materials and discuss their use for teaching purposes. The Place of Foreign Languages in Japanese Nursing Programs Porter, Mathew - Fukuoka Jo Gakuin Nursing University SAT 12:10 PM - 12:35 PM, This study investigated the foreign language curricula at 200 private nursing universities in 2023, focusing mainly on English courses, and found significant gaps in the number, placement, and content of courses and a lack of foreign language instructors affiliated with the nursing department, indicating a need for better curriculum design to ensure that nursing students receive adequate opportunities to improve their foreign language skills. The presenter will discuss how language instructors can support improvements. The Role of Literate Talk in Teaching Academic Writing (Poster Session) Head, Ellen - Miyazaki International College SAT 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM, "How does preparation by talking help with the development of academic writing? " "What kind of evidence helps determine the authenticity of learners ' engagement with their work? " In the context of Japanese university EAP classes and senior thesis writing, AI tools are changing pedagogical norms. The presenter draws on academic writing data from Google doc drafts, student-teacher writing conferences and reflective journals, focusing on moments when the learners were challenged to develop through literate talk. Graduate Student Showcase for Soka University Tomita, Koki - Soka University; and others ... SAT 12:45 PM - 2:15 PM This is the graduate student showcase for Soka University. It consists of the following five presentations: A Literature Review on Foundational Theories for CEFR-Aligned Curriculum Evaluation (Tomita); ... and others. Experiential Learning: Linguistic Landscape Group Projects Allen, Todd - Kansai University SAT 12:45 PM - 1:10 PM Linguistic landscape projects analyze the display and use of language in public spaces (Hatoss, 2019), with previous researchers noting that they are beneficial in developing students ' intercultural competency. As a result, in this study, the researcher examined two cohorts of students who undertook a group linguistic landscape project in an intercultural communication (IC) course and reflected on their experience. Results show that such experiential learning is favorable for developing IC competency and other academic skills. CEFR Mediation Activities, CLIL Classes and a Notebook Schmidt, Rebecca - Miyazaki International College SUN 10:25 AM - 10:50 AM, Room: 202B The presenter explores how students in a CLIL class can use notebooks to practice activities, such as note-taking and summarizing skills as a part of the CEFR/CV Mediation activities scales. The notebook also serves a dual role as a learning journal, where students reflect on how these activities along with collaborative group-work aid in their learning. Participants are encouraged to brainstorm other ways notebooks could be utilized to incorporate various CEFR concepts and practices. Teachers ' Perception of Learner Autonomy During COVID-19 Tomita, Koki - Soka University; Dunn, Testuko - Soka University, SUN 5:35 PM - 6:00 PM The COVID-19 outbreak disrupted traditional classrooms, necessitating a redefining of language teaching practices including learner autonomy. This multifaceted capacity has been widely studied, but conceptual and pedagogical re-evaluation is required during the pandemic. A qualitative study using a single case study design examined how the pandemic affected teachers ' perceptions of learner autonomy. The presentation reports on teachers ' potential changes in perceptions or pedagogies to promote autonomous learning under remote language learning. A 21st-Century Skills Program for Pre-service Teachers by Rode, Tyson - Meikai University, MON 9:15 AM - 9:40 AM Pre-service English teachers in Japan are required to graduate with a CEFR B2 level of language proficiency and to be adept communicators who are able to impart 21st-century skills to their future students. In this presentation, two university EFL educators describe a new program for pre-service teachers aimed at supplementing their English teaching methodology courses by bringing theory into practice. Validation Of an Online English Course Placement Test by Bower, Jack - Tezukayama University, MON 9:50 AM - 10:15 AM This presentation will introduce an online English language course placement test. The rationale for creating the test will be given, followed by a description of the test design. Next, challenges overcome to get the test implemented at the presenter 's Japanese university will be presented. Lastly, evidence to support a claim that the test can divide students into three distinct English language proficiency levels for course placement purposes will be presented and discussed. * * * * * * * * July 23rd, 2023 starting at 10 am until 12 noon Online: Share your CEFR tool - open talk Online event Presenters: Gabriela Schmidt (CEFR LP SIG coordinator, Nihon University) and others Abstract: The CEFR has become widely known in Japan but there is still a lot of lack of using it for teaching and learning. This event will give an opportunity to share and discuss various CEFR tools. Everyone of us can share something out of her or his practice. This is small working group meeting open to everyone, novice and advanced users of the CEFR. If you plan to apply for a research project, we are happy to consult with you. Report: The main topic of this event was on a talk who ChatGPT may affect foreign language teaching and what kind of role the CEFR can play in that context. It was an intensive discussion. Thank you for participating. * * * * * * * * May 20th, 2023 starting at 2 pm, JALT Akita Chapter & CEFR LP SIG - Joint event online The CEFR – A tool for classroom management and teacher development Presenters: Noriko Nagai (CEFR LP SIG membership chair, Ibaraki University) & Gabriela Schmidt (CEFR LP SIG coordinator, Nihon University) Abstract The CEFR has become widely known in Japan mostly since 2016 when MEXT announced to frame the common entry examination for universities. This had an impact on English language education in high schools. Besides the language politics the Can do-descriptors had become very famous. In 2020, the CEFR Companion Volume was published. The CEFR in itself is neutral and a flexible and reliable tool to be used for various purposes. In today’s talk two aspects of it will be elaborated: one is the CEFR as an effective tool for classroom management planning and as a guiding tool for teacher development. * * * * * * * * JALT PanSIG 2023 in Kyoto, Kyoto Sangyo University Friday, May 12 — Sunday, May 14, 2023, The purpose of this forum is to report the results of a three-year Kaken research project entitled “Language Education reform using action research: Putting CEFR’s educational principles into practice”. A CEFR-focused Action Research Model (CARM) developed by the SIG officers (Birch, Nagai, Schmidt & Bower 2021) was used by eight SIG members to guide their individual projects. How AR contributed to the planning, implementation and evaluation of these projects will be discussed based on commentary by leading exerts; namely Brian North, David Little and Neus Figueras. Second, the effectiveness of CARM and SIG-sponsored workshops to promote collaboration and conduct research systematically and rigorously will be discussed using feedback from project participants. The forum will conclude with a group discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the KAKEN Project, and how the CEFR & LP SIG can continue to facilitate the use of AR to guide professional development. Forum participants will be encouraged to engage and reflect on their current practice and consider how the CEFR and Action Research might be utilized in their own contexts. The Forum intends to foster sharing and peer-learning. CEFR related presentation at PanSIG When EFL reading comprehension teachers and materials writers are searching for or creating readings aligned with textbook unit themes and with consistent grammar and vocabulary levels to their existing textbook and student reading comprehension levels, it is important to check the CEFR level compatibility of those readings. To assist in this process, a number of applications exist, but vetting these systems can involve a lot of trial and error to settle on the one that gives the best results. This presentation is intended to help EFL reading teachers and materials writers determine the CEFR level of reading texts that they have found online or written themselves. Let's say you are teaching a class that includes students from the CEFR A2 to B1 level, and you want to verify whether a reading passage contains consistently level-appropriate vocabulary and grammar. Which is the most accurate and user-friendly CEFR-check application to use? The presenter will describe the features, functionality, and advantages and disadvantages of a number of CEFR-checking systems, including the Pearson GSE Teacher Toolkit Text Analyzer, Text Inspector, Vocab Kitchen, Cathoven, and CVLA, and make recommendations on the most effective. And one of our members is Plenary Speaker at PanSIG 2023!!! Yukie Saito (Chuo University):Exploring the Potential of Metaverse and ChatGPT in English Language Teaching and Learning Time: Sunday, May 14th, 10:10 - 11:10, Location: S301 * * * * * * * * May 5th, 2023 (Friday) 21:00 pm (JST, Tokyo), 14:00 (CET, Berlin) CEFR Journal - Snapshot Talk This is the first event of a new series spotlighting some articles of the CEFR Journal - Research and Practice. We start with the recent edition of Volume 5 (December 2022). We kindly invite you to the 1st CEFR Journal - Snapshot Talk to be held online on Friday, May 5th, 2023 (online) at 9 pm (Japan, Tokyo, GMT +9), 13:00 (GMT+1, London), 14:00 (CET, GMT+2, Berlin), for one hour The event gives authors the floor to present a snapshot (overview, short summary) of their article (5-8 min.) which was recently published in the CEFR Journal – Research and Practice Volume 5 (December 2022). Purposes are to highlight work undertaken and discuss possible future endeavour and to generate mutual exchange. This can provide a refreshing impression and a stimulus to read the article, an incentive to conduct research on the CEFR yourself and write an article. See CEFR Journal – Research and Practice Schedule (planed): Welcome, Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2, Discussion, Wrap up, Closing Presentations confirmed for May 5th, 2023 Martina Hulešová (Charles University, Praha): Article Framework of Reference for Sign Languages and Description of the Czech Sign Language Tziona Levi (Israeli Ministry of Education), Simone Duval (Israeli Ministry of Education): Article Implementing a localized version of a CEFR-based curriculum End of events in 2023
This session will give an overview of developments regarding mediation and plurilingualism in the two countries, including a presentation of the Austrian online resources for (upper secondary) plurilingual lessons.
This session will present the action-oriented plurilingual scenarios developed in the LINCDIRE project, the results of research implementing them and the resulting recently published book La classe plurilingue.
Facilitating the use of Action Research to guide CEFR-focused research
CEFR LP SIG Forum - on Sunday May 14th, 2023, at 14:05 in Room S 403, Presenters: Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Noriko Nagai, Gregory Birch
Which CEFR-level Checking tools are the best?, Stephen Bridge, May 14th, 2023 at 13:30–13:55, in room S 403 CUE CEFR
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Events in 2022
Portfolio Roundtable Talk 2nd meeting, January 29th, 2022
Portfolio Roundtable Talk 3rd meeting, March 2, 2022
Workshop with Neus Figueras on Aligning the CEFR May 21st, 2022
PanSIG 2022 in Nagano, July 8th-10th, 2022, CEFR LP SIG Forum, Yukio Tono Plenary speaker
Portfolio Roundtable Talk 5th meeting, October 29th, 2022
JALT International Conference, Fukuoka (Nov. 11th-14th, 2022), CEFR LP SIG Forum
JALT International Conference 2022 in Fukuoka
CEFR & LP SIG Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday, November 12th, 2022 from 11:00 to 11:45 in Room 504
All members and want to be members of CEFR & LP SIG are kindly invited to attend the AGM. We will hold the meeting hybrid. All SIG-Members will receive information to attend the AGM free of charge.
The CEFR & LP SIG Annual General Meeting will give a report on the SIGs activities in 2022 and discuss the plans for 2023. The report will be on activities during 2022 (events, publications, publicity, membership, finances and other) with officer reports and will discuss further actions and steps. All current and future members of JALT CEFR & LP SIG are kindly invited to the Annual General Meeting to be held hybrid at JALT 2023.
CEFR & LP SIG Forumon Sunday, November 13th, 2022 from 12:30 to 14:00 (12:30 PM - 2:00 PM) in Room 409.
Theme: Reflecting the CEFR-Focused Action Research Model – Looking Back and Moving Forward
This forum will reflect on an ongoing collaborative Kaken research project which supports teachers’ use of an action research model to incorporate CEFR educational principles into classroom practice. The current status of various case studies will be presented in relation to the CARM Model. The forum is open to everyone interested in conducting Action Research in the field of foreign language education, especially projects concerning the CEFR. The forum intends to foster sharing and peer-learning.
Congratulations to the Best of JALT 2022 (related to presentations or papers held in 2021) for CEFR & LP SIG: Gregory C. Birch (Nagano)
CEFR, CEFR-CV, Language Portfolio related presentations at JALT 2022:
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Portfolio Roundtable Talk - 5th Meeting
On October 29th, 2022 from 3:30 pm to 5 pm, online was held the 5th meeting of the Portfolio Roundtable Talk on the topic e Portfolio and its applications.
Speakers: Fergus O’Dwyer, Kathleen Mitchell & Laoise Sutton (Marino Institute of Education)
Title: Reflective ePortfolio practices to facilitate effective self-regulation in an English for Academic Purposes module
See more details on the Portfolio site: Language Portfolio
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Thank you for attending PanSIG 2022 in Nagano. This was a wonderful experience. PanSIG 2023 took place at Kyoto Sangyo University and is planned for May 13th and 14th, 2023.
Pan SIG 2022 - Face-to-face-conference !!! July 8-10, 2022 in Nagano, Find out more at and
The conference site is The University of Nagano (Nagono Prefectural University, 長野県立大学 Miwa Campus) in a wonderful environment. PanSIG 2022 will feature more than 200 presentations and will be a fully face-to-face conference with some hybrid elements. We are expecting more than 350 participants, AMs will present new textbooks and publications. This would be a wonderful opportunity to share and talk.
CEFR & LP SIG has the following presentations:
July 9, 2022, 14:05~: Noriko Nagai CEFR-informed grammatical features of academic prose
This presentation attempts to relate Developmental Progression Index of Grammatical Complexity (DPIGC) in academic prose proposed by Biber et al. (2011) to the six CEFR levels. First, I will compare grammatical features in the index with those in the English Grammar Profile and then propose CEFR-informed index of grammatical complexity of academic prose. A series of corpus-based studies by Biber and his colleague (Biber 2006, Biber & Gray 2016, among others) reveal that grammatical features frequently appearing in academic prose differ drastically from those in conversation. The former uses dependent phrases functioning as pre-and post-modifiers of the head noun, while the latter uses dependent clauses functioning as constituents of other clauses such as verb complements and adverbial clauses. Based on these findings, Biber et al. (2011) proposed the DPIGC. This index, however, is not well recognized by language professionals working in the area of EAP, hard-CLIL and EMI, although they aim at the appropriate uses of academese. One of the reasons for this lies in the lack of studies which relate the DPIGC to more widely accepted proficiency scales: e.g., the CEFR’s six proficiency levels. Hence, this presentation provides a clear CEFR-based descriptors of grammatical complexities in academic prose.
July 10, 2022, 10:00~: CEFR & LP SIG Forum: Using the CEFR-focused Action Research Model - Reflections on two years of research
The JALT CEFR & LP SIG is supporting teacher-researchers through a collaborative Kaken research project entitled “Language Education reform using action research: Putting CEFR’s educational principles into practice” since 2020. During the Forum, project participants will reflect on their research projects they conducted so far using the CEFR-focused Action Research Model (CARM) developed by the SIG. The SIG Forum will be an opportunity to discuss examples from researchers’ intermediate outcomes in relation to the CARM model (= AR / CEFR aspects) as good model case studies. Forum participants are encouraged to engage and reflect on their current practice and consider how the CEFR and CARM might be utilized in their own contexts. The Forum will conclude with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the CARM model and the goals for the final year of the KAKEN project. The Forum is open to everyone interested in intending to conduct research in the field of foreign language teaching and learning especially using Action Research and/or the CEFR – CEFR CV as a tool. The Forum intends to foster sharing and peer-learning.
July 10, 2022, 11:45~: Takanori Omura Learner autonomy and their attitude towards the electronic portfolio
In recent years, quite a few studies have dealt with an issue of how learners autonomously learn, and the effect of an electronic version of portfolio (e-portfolio) on learner autonomy. Nevertheless, the number of studies that highlights the relationship between learner autonomy and their attitude towards e-portfolio seems to be limited. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the correlation between the university students’ learner autonomy and their attitude towards the e-portfolio, and the students’ assessment on the e-portfolio in terms of the improvement of their learner autonomy. The participants were first-year university students who took a general English course at a private university in Tokyo. The online surveys were administered at three points in a year while semi-structured interviews were also conducted twice in the same year. The participants were asked to use the e-portfolio that was shared with the teacher during the experimental year. The survey data was analyzed by the SPSS software, and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results showed that there was a strongly positive correlation between the level of learner autonomy and their attitude towards e-portfolio, which indicates that students who are more autonomous tend to possess a positive attitude towards the e-portfolio.
July 10, 2022, 13:30~: Prof. Yukio Tono - Plenary Talk - (Re)imagining language education in relation to the CEFR/CV and the CEFR-J
Since the publication of the CEFR in 2001, policymakers, researchers and teachers in foreign language education around the world have started to use the framework to review their own systems and practices. This includes the structure and content of language syllabuses, textbooks and teaching materials, as well as instructional and assessment methods. The publication of the Companion Volume (CEFR/CV) in 2020 will further concretise the principles of the CEFR and re-propose a new framework for language teaching, including sign languages, mediation skills and online communication. The application of the CEFR, with its extremely broad scope, can sometimes be a hindrance to a sound understanding of its principles and fundamental concepts, which can lead to applications based on superficial knowledge. It is also true that it is difficult to implement language education policies that cover the full range of the CEFR.
In this talk, I will give an overview of the CEFR and the CEFR/CV and discuss the implications of using the CEFR as a common framework for all languages. As an example of focused applications, I will argue what the future of intelligent CALL based on the selection and arrangement of language materials by the CEFR levels would be like. Finally, as Principal Investigator of the CEFR-J, a localization project of the CEFR in Japan, I would like to consider what is needed for the CEFR to truly take root in foreign language education in Japan.
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Language Portfolio Roundtable Talk - 3rd meeting
The third meeting will be held online on March 2nd, 2022 from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm (online)
Theme: The language portfolio and learner autonomy
See more at Language Portfolio Roundtable Talk
The third meeting will focus on "The language portfolio and learner autonomy" and will be held on March 2nd, 2022 (Wed) from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
Presentation 1 - Prof. Takanori Omura,Title: The relationship between university students’ learner autonomy and their attitude towards the electronic portfolio
Presentation 2 - Prof. Gregory Birch,Title: Using an online European Language Portfolio (e-ELP) to promote learner autonomy
The Frist meeting was on October 23rd, 2021 (Sat) and the second on January 29th, 2022 (Sat).
The European Language Portfolio has been at the core of the CEFR. The ELP is connected to learner autonomy, reflective learning, formative assessment and many more areas. The implementation had its ups and downs.
The Roundtable Talk invites those in the field of foreign language teaching who are interested in the use of a portfolio in language teaching and want to discuss and share implementations, case studies, experiences with the ELP, language portfolio, learning portfolio, journal etc. The ELP is connected to learner autonomy, reflective learning, formative assessment and many more areas.
At recent conferences, since the launch of the CEFR/CV there is a steady increase on papers on language portfolio. This Round Table Talks wants to initiate a synergetic working group. You are welcome to take part and share and listen and discuss. CEFR & Language Portfolio SIG wants to emphasize on the CEFR and CEFR/CV as well on the second part of its name, the Language Portfolio.
Thank you very much for attending the workshop with Neus Figueras held on May 21st, 2022 (Sat) - 15:00 – 17:30 JST (online) 8:00 am - 10:30 am (GMT +2, Madrid, Berlin, Central European Summer Time) on
Aligning current practice to the CEFR - First steps
The workshop addressed the needs of practitioners with some and with little knowledge of the CEFR.
If you want to give feedback or have questions, use the following link Workshop Feedback and Questions form
The workshop is sponsored by the JSPS Kaken research project 20K00759 -
For details on the project see
Q & A (will be updated soon)
Description of the workshop
This workshop targets practitioners who wish to intervene and improve current practices following core concepts and philosophy of the CEFR and using various scaled descriptors of the CEFR but have not initiated action. The workshop begins with the talk by Dr. Neus Figueras, who is a co-author and co-editor of recent books, Aligning language education with the CEFR: A handbook (to appear) and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Towards a Road Map for Future Research and Development by Multilingual Matters (2021) and then discusses participants concerns about their practices in small groups.
The main objectives of the workshop are to provide background information on alignment to the CEFR and to analyze and discuss the implications of embarking on an alignment project (see outline below). This dossier contains some readings introducing the contents which will be discussed in the workshop.
- Section 1 provides general information on the CEFR and the CEFR CV,
- Section 2 outlines what alignment is and why it is relevant in the field of language education,
- Section 3 introduces mediation, a key feature in the CEFR CV with a reflection task for participants,
- Section 4 provides links to the documents referred to.
Workshop schedule ワークショップのスケジュール
15:00 Welcome 挨拶, Introduction to the project and the tools
15:05 Talk by Neus Figueras: Why is alignment to the CEFR important?
15:55 Q & A
16:10 Themed Discussion and Q & A. Presentation of one example of alignment in practice.
16:30 Group work on alignment
16:45 Discussion and Q & A
17:00 Main characteristics of a mediation task. Presentation & discussion of examples of mediation tasks
17:15 Conclussions and takeaways
17:30 Closing
Bio of Dr. Neus Figueras
Dr. Neus Figueras started her career in 1981 as a teacher of English and was seconded in 1996 to the Catalan Ministry of Education, Spain, where she coordinated the development of foreign language curricula and certificate examinations for adult learners for over 20 years.
She has been involved in a number of international research and development projects related to assessment at different education levels (Dialang, Speakeasy, Ceftrain, Dutch CEFR construct project, EBAFLS) and has given courses and presented in universities in Spain, in various European countries, in Asia and in the USA. She has carried out consultancy work in assessment (University of Bilkent, Turkey; BIFIE -Centre for Assessment and Innovation-, Austria; University of Saint Petersburg, Russia, Quiyas, Saudi Arabia, British Council, UK., Trinity College London, UK).and in curriculum design (U.N. New York and Geneva).
She collaborates regularly with the Council of Europe in the uses and the dissemination of the CEFR in language testing and assessment and is one of the authors of the Manual for Relating examinations to the CEFR (Council of Europe, 2009).
She is a founding member of EALTA (European Association for Language Testing and Assessment,, and was the first President (2004-7) of the Association. She is currently the coordinator of the EALTA CEFR SIG.
She was granted the International British Council Assessment Award in 2015.
Her interests include assessment literacy and the development of context relevant assessments.
Recent publications of Dr. Neus Figueras
Figueras, N. and Levy, M. (2022) The action-oriented approach in the CEFR and the CEFR Companion Volume: a change of paradigm(s)? A case study from Spain. In Little, D. and Figueras, N. (Eds) The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Towards a Road Map for Future Research and Development. Multilingual Matters
Figueras, N. and Boyd, Elaine (2021) Mediation as described in the CEFR Companion Volume (CEFR CV) and reflected in an existing oral examination. Collated Papers for the ALTE 7th International Conference, Madrid. Available at
Figueras, N. (2021) Success in language learning: what role can language assessment play? In Gebril, A. (Ed). Learning-oriented assessment: Putting Theory into Practice Routledge.
Figueras, N. and Puig, F. (2019) La evaluación de Lenguas: ¿De camino hacia el cambio? In López Ferrero, C. and Pujolà, J.T. (Eds) La didáctica de lenguas de par en par. Diálogo entre teoría y práctica. Homenaje a Ernesto Martín Peris. Editorial Difusión.
Figueras, N. (2019) Developing and Using Tasks for the Assessment of Speaking. In Grandfelt, J. (Ed.) Assessing Speaking. APPLES. Journal of Applied Language Studies
Figueras, N. (2017) Exploring the link between assessment and language awareness: a way forward? In Cots, JM. and Garret, P. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Language Awareness. Routledge
CEFR & Action Research - A fresh new look at your teaching
This meeting will be a follow-up event to the CEFR & LP SIG Forum held online at the JALT 2020 International Conference. The purpose is to give an introduction to our current KAKEN research project, which was granted in April 2020 (no. 20K00759) and entitled
Foreign Language Education Reform through Action Research -
Putting CEFR educational principles into practice
アクションリサーチの手法を用いた言語教育改善: CEFRの教育理念を参考にして.
We are looking for collaborators, (Call for Collaborators download) and this meeting will be an opportunity for those who have shown an interest to share their thoughts on getting involved in the project and form working groups.
This meeting will bring together facilitators and collaborators, and we will start by giving a short introduction to the CEFR and our CEFR-informed AR Model.
This will help researchers to decide their research focus, form groups, and receive guidance to start Stage 1 of the Action Research cycle - Putting together your research plan.
Each Action Research team will be provided with support and guidance to ensure that their research is conducted in a systematic way in relation to the AR literature and reflective of CEFR principles. The teams will be grouped thematically around six central themes:
- (1) Designing a curriculum and / or course,
- (2) Materials Development,
- (3) Assessment,
- (4) Learner autonomy and the European Language Portfolio,
- (5) Classroom Implementation and
- (6) other CEFR-related fields.
Please feel free to join us. No special skills are needed and whether you are a novice to the CEFR or Action Research, we will provide step-by-step support. This would be a perfect start to know more about your own teaching!
Archive of CEFR & LP SIG related events in 2021
JALT International 2021 (Online) - Conference Reflections and New Perspectives
JALT 2021 - Conference Reflections and New Perspectives This year's JALT 2021 conference was held fully Online:
November 12th - 15th, 2021 Online Conference
See more details and click here for JALT 2021 conference or JALT event space click here
CEFR & LP SIG Forum was held online Sunday November 14th, 2021 from 10:45 to 12:15, Room 25
Presenters are: A CEFR-Informed Action Research Model: Reflecting on the AR Cycle
Maria Gabriela Schmidt - Nihon University; Noriko Nagai - Ibaraki University; Gregory Birch - Seisen Jogakuin College; Jack Bower - Tezukayama University; Naoyuki Naganuma - Tokai University; Engel Villareal - Tsuchiura Nihon University Senior Highschool
The CEFR & LP SIG Forum will present an ongoing collaborative Kaken research project entitled “Language Education reform using action research: Putting the CEFR’s educational principles into practice”. Project participants will reflect on the research plans they implemented using a CEFR-informed Action Research Model (CARM) developed by the SIG, and on the first and second year, workshops before discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the CARM model and the goals for the third year of the KAKEN project.
CEFR & LP SIG AGM will be held online Sunday November 14th, 2021 from 12:45 to 13:30, Room 25
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Presentation related to the ongoing Kaken research project in August 2021
JACET 2021 wasl held its 60th International Convention on August 28th and 29th, 2021 online.
大学英語教育学会 国際大会
Members of CEFR & LP SIG will have a presentation related to the Kaken Research project at JACET 2021
Sunday, August 29th, 2021: 10:40 - 11:05 (room 6)
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全国英語教育学会 - JASELE 2021 conference 第46回長野研究大会:
Link to the JASELE 2021 conference JASELE conference schedule
Members of CEFR & LP SIG will have a presentation related to the Kaken Research project at JASELE 2021 on August 8th, 2021:
Sunday, August 8th, 2021: 10:55 - 11:20
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June 13, 2021 (Sun) 10 - 12 Share your CEFR-tool - meeting
This is a new form of a SIG event. In order to build up a toolkit repertoire we start this new event with the presentation of our member Shaun Allen, who developed a CEFR descriptor - quizlet. Sharing is a very important tool for peer-related teacher training.
The CEFR and CEFR/CV is used world wide in many ways and contexts. There are two main challenges we may face trying to use it, one is to find and sort out the relevant information for your purpose, and second get aquainted with the contents and the tools to use it effciently for your context. Many teachers ask for a tool box. In order to do so we will start this new type of event called "Share your CEFR-tool - meeting" where we exchange CEFR-related tools which helped us to implement the CEFR and CEFR/CV successfully, so it is intended as a round table peer-support-whispering event from practitioners to practitioners. At this first event CEFR & LP SIG member Shaun Allen will show his descriptors quizlet, and Gabriela Schmidt will report on the EALTA CEFR SIG meeting with some news. You are kindly invited to this event, it is open to SIG members, JALT members and those who are interested in the CEFR and want to learn more.
Please join! Your are welcome to share your tools! The results will be available on the our HP in the section "Toolkit".
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Workshop on Action Research with Anne Burns
CEFR-focused アクションリサーチワークショップ:
Anne Burns教授による招待講演及びアクションリサーチ取り組みへのアドバイス
Day after the event, August 21st, 2021 A big thank you very much to Anne Burns, the presenters and to all who attended the Workshop with Anne Burns on August 20th, 2021 (Friday) 14:00 - 17:15 and made it a very good example of collaboration and research, a mutual exchange in a very supportive mood. The event went very well, we had a splendid lecture by Anne, an intensive and deep going discussion with everybody involved. The information will be available, please contact the SIG coordinator or the research team if you are interested in the topic. 8月20日 (金) 午後 2:00 - 5:15 Schedule スケジュール 14:00 - 14:10: Opening and Welcome 開始挨拶 14:10 - 15:25: Lecture on Action Research and Q & A 講演 15:25 - 15:40: Break 休憩 15:40 - 17:10: Workshop ワークショップ 17:10 - 17:15: Closing 閉会挨拶 Workshop on Action Research with Anne Burns CEFR-focused アクションリサーチワークショップ: 言語教育におけるアクションリサーチのスペシャリストとして国際的に著名な Anne Burns教授による招待講演及びアクションリサーチ取り組みへのアドバイス Held online 14:00 開始 Opening, Welcome and Introduction (Maria Gabriela Schmidt) Session 1: Lecture on Action Research アクション・リサーチの講演 (14:10 - 15:25) Anne Burns Action research: A powerful way to engage yourself in professional development アン バーンス先生の講演: アクション・リサーチの要点(コンセプト、アプローチ、プロセス)についての講演 Anne Burns will give an hands-on introduction to Action Research and how to apply it to your language teaching environment. The workshop aims at helping busy teaching professionals conduct research putting CEFR educational principles into practice using an action research approach, which ensures organized, systematic, and rigorous conduct of research. The workshop consists of three parts. このワークショップは、多忙な教育者・研究者が、アクション・リサーチ・アプローチを用いて、CEFR教育理念を実践するための研究を支援することを目的としています。アクション・リサーチ・アプローチは、組織的、体系的、かつ厳密な研究の実施を保証するものです。ワークショップは3部構成になっています。 In Part I, Dr. Anne Burns will talk about the essentials of Action Research: concepts, approaches, and processes, which will be followed by questions and answers. 第1部では、アン・バーンズ博士によるアクション・リサーチの要点(コンセプト、アプローチ、プロセス)についての講演があり、その後、質疑応答が行われます。 Abstract of the talk There is growing evidence that research conducted by teachers is seen by them as one of the most important and lasting means for professional development. This evidence is supported by the idea that, where teachers can carry out PD in their own contexts of work and investigate teaching and learning issues that are of central importance to them and their learners, this has a strong and positive impact on what can be achieved in the classroom, and more generally the school. In this session, I will provide an introduction to the key concepts and ongoing processes of action research (AR). I'll discuss where AR fits into the wide range of approaches that can be taken in research, and describe the main steps and cycles, and the kinds of outcomes teachers can consider. I'll also provide some illustrations of AR conducted by teachers I've worked with to give participants a sense of the kind of research that can be achieved. Participants in the session who are already involved in AR will have a chance to discuss their research, but the session will also be relevant to participants who may be thinking about AR (or even puzzled by it!) and want to know more. Read More on the bio of Anne Burns アン・バーンズ博士 Professor Anne Burns is an internationally renowned TESOL educator and scholar. She is Professor of TESOL at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, a Professor Emerita at Aston University, Birmingham (UK), an Honorary Professor at the University of Sydney and an Honorary Professor of The Education University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include language teacher education, language teacher cognition, applications of genre theory to language teaching, curriculum development and change, literacy, and written and spoken discourse analysis. She is best known for her work in the theory and practice of action research, and particularly for her book Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practitioners (Routledge, 2010) which is a foundational text on action research in second and foreign language education. The English Australia-Cambridge English Action Research Program she has conducted since 2010 with the English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) sector in Australia won an award in 2013 for Innovation-Best Practice. She is an academic adviser, with Diane Larsen-Freeman, for OUP’s Applied Linguistics Series and is series editor, with Jill Hadfield, of Research and Resources in Language Teaching (published by Routledge). Several books in this series have been shortlisted for The British Council ELTons Awards. Her book in this series, Sustainability in Action Research (with Emily Edwards and Neville Ellis) will be published in 2022. アン・バーンズ博士 国際的に著名なTESOL教育者・研究者の一人。アン・バーンズ博士は、オーストラリアのシドニーにあるニューサウスウェールズ大学のTESOL教授、イギリスバーミンガムにあるアストン大学の名誉教授、香港の教育大学の名誉教授、シドニー大学の名誉教授です。バーンズ教授は、言語教育におけるアクション・リサーチについて幅広く執筆しており、オーストラリアや海外で大規模なアクション・リサーチ・プロジェクトを主導してきました。教授の著書Doing Action Research in the Language Classroom: A Guide for Practitionersは、第二言語・外国語教育におけるアクション・リサーチの基礎的なテキストです。 Session 2: Workshop on CEFR and Action Research with Anne Burns (15:40 - 17:15) In Part II, Dr. Burns will provide specific input and suggestions on four pre-recorded presentations which demonstrate topic/theme, reviewed literature, research questions, intervention plan, data collection and some preliminary findings. 第2部では、 アン・バーンズ博士が、テーマ、リサーチ・クエスチョン、介入計画、レビューされた文献、データ収集、いくつかの予備的な調査結果を示す4つの事前に録画されたプレゼンテーションについて、具体的な意見や提案を提供します。4つのプレゼンテーションは以下の通りです。 The four presentations are: * Workshop participants are asked to watch the pre-recorded video of these presentations before the actual workshop. A link to the videos will be provided upon registration. * ワークショップ参加者の皆様は、これらのプレゼンテーションを録画したビデオを事前ご覧いただき、質問、コメントをお寄せいただけます。ビデオ、質問やコメント投稿へのリンクはお申し込み時にお知らせします。 In Part III, the group discussion we kindly ask all workshop participants to get involved in the mutual exchange among peer-colleagues, to share and learn from each other. All workshop* participants will be divided into smaller groups to discuss: (1) what research you are interested in (2) what kind of action you want to take (3) what you plan to do (4) what you learned at the event (5) what is your take-away from the workshop *One of the small group discussions will be conducted in Japanese. 第3部では、 グループディスカッションを行います。ワークショップ参加者全員が、小グループに分かれて以下の点などを議論します。 (1)どんな研究に興味があるのか (2)どのようなアクションを起こしたいのか (3) 何をしようとしているのか (4) どのような障害に直面したか、直面する可能性があるか (5) どのような支援が必要か *スモールグループディスカッションのうち1つは日本語で行われます。 The pre-recorded videos (about 10 min. each) are available, please contact the research team. We say thank you to all who attended the workshop. If you are interested, you have any questions, please contact the coordinator of the CEFR & LP SIG. This event is supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid project (C) no. 20K00759
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CEFR & LP SIG Forum at PanSIG 2021: A CEFR-informed Action Research Model: Developing a research plan Sat, May 15, 14:30-16:00 JST The JALT CEFR & LP SIG is currently supporting teacher-researchers through a collaborative Kaken research project entitled “Language Education reform using action research: Putting CEFR’s educational principles into practice”. During the Forum, project participants will share the research plans they designed using Stage 1 of a CEFR-focused Action Research Model (CARM) developed by the SIG. These plans were designed in part through collaboration facilitated during workshops held in the first year of the project. The SIG forum will be an opportunity to discuss Stage II, the implementation of the research plan which involves two aspects: the participants’ plan to (1) trial proposed solutions to their teaching-learning dilemma (i.e. the focus of their research plan), and (2) collect data to critically examine the effectiveness of this solution. Forum participants are encouraged to contribute to this ongoing collaborative process to help move these research projects forward, as well as reflect on their current practice and consider how the CEFR and CARM might be utilized in their own contexts. The forum will conclude with a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the CARM model and the goals for the second year of the KAKEN project. There were 8 CEFR or SIG members related presentations at PanSIG 2021 Takanori Omori, How to Enhance Japanese University Students’ Self-Esteem. - An Attempt on Self-Affirmation in Written Form - Sat, May 15th, 09:30 ~ 09:55 JST Nowadays, a growing number of institutions and educators in English Language teaching (ELT) has been highlighting its psychological aspect. Particularly, self-affirmation methods that contain psychological effects on students’ academic achievement are noticeable in a recent study (Cohen et al, 2009). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a regular self-affirmation in written-form can improve the degree of self-esteem, specifically, Global Self-Esteem (GSE) and Foreign Language Self-Esteem (FLSE). The research design is quantitative research using online surveys as the main instrument. The participants of this study were 55 university students who were from three different faculties of a private university in Tokyo. The research examined and compared their GSE and FLSE of two experimental groups and a control group at the beginning and the end of the semester. Whereas self-affirmation in written form was mandatory for the experimental groups in every class, the control group was not asked to do any self-affirmation. The results showed that the students’ self-esteem in the experimental groups was boosted by self-affirmation in written-form to some extent. The findings of this study will benefit numerous educators and students since the enhancement of students’ self-esteem is a profound source for their language learning. Yukie Saito, Possibility and Challenges of Online Language Exchanges Sat, May 15th, 13:00 ~ 13:25 JST The spread of Covid-19 has made it difficult for university students to study and travel abroad, which may affect students’ motivation to learn English negatively. Hoping to motivate first-year Japanese students to learn English in a class of a private university in Japan, I conducted five online language exchanges with the Japanese students and university students learning Japanese in the U.S. The Japanese students wrote a journal about the contents and feedback in English after every exchange. After the five exchanges, the students also answered a questionnaire survey with closed and open questions. The closed questions were made in terms of oral comprehension, production, and interactions from CEFR Companion Volume (Council of Europe, 2020), cultural understanding, foreign language anxiety, motivation, and pragmatic competence. The results showed that most of the students were able to improve their listening and speaking skills, understand different cultures, reduce foreign language anxiety, be motivated to learn English, and maintain a conversation. The open question also showed their positive opinion toward the exchanges. In the presentation, I will discuss the possibility and challenges of online language exchanges for the new normal era after Covid-19 based on analyzing the students’ journals and the questionnaire survey. SAT 14:30 – 16:00 SIG Forum Bradley Irwin / Diego Oliveira, Creating and Implementing an Online Placement Test, Sat, May 15th, 14:30 ~ 14:55 JST This short presentation will describe the experience of moving from a third-party, paper-based English proficiency placement test to an original online version created by the presenters. We will discuss practical approaches to designing a placement test for first and second year undergraduate English language learners that aligns with CEFR bands (A1-B2/C1) and its implementation using Google Forms. The test consisted of 60 multiple choice questions covering listening skills (true/false statements, specific/global comprehension), vocabulary and grammar understanding (sentence completion, word definitions, synonyms, etc) and reading comprehension skills (analyzing content of an advertisement, short and long passage comprehension and interpretation). Students were instructed to complete the test within 90 minutes. Because our test included listening, vocabulary, grammar, and reading items, we will be able to give a comprehensive overview of the process for creating audio content and including appropriate target language. We will describe the collaborative challenges of creating a test entirely online and give advice for others who are interested in creating their own placement tests. This presentation will be of particular interest to anyone who wishes to learn about creating an online CEFR-aligned placement test. It will also be valuable for educators who are interested in conducting online testing using Google Forms. Nami Takase, Video Letter Exchange to Oral Development, Sat, May 15th, 16:00 ~ 16:45 JST | Zoo 11 Engaging students in online exchange has numerous positive effects; one is to keep students connected to the international community (Blake, 2000). This presentation focuses on how CEFR A1- to A2-level English learners engage in authentic communication with native English speakers through an online application during the pandemic as part of a two-month project. The purpose of this presentation is to share the project’s classroom practice and the effectiveness of its online communication exchange for speaking development and cultural understanding. In this project, university students learning English in Japan exchanged a video with students learning Japanese in the US. The main language used in the video was English. However, the topics included intercultural aspects, such as sharing stories about their favorite heroes. At the end of the project, the post-test speaking test showed increased gains in English learners’ fluency, accuracy, complexity, and lexical diversity, as the English learners may have picked up native terms from their video exchange partners. This presentation also provides feedback and comments from students from both countries and highlights issues that may arise during the project to assist future project organizers who are interested in conducting an international video exchange project. Bob Gettings, Teach it! Write! What We Can Learn from CEFR, Sun, May 16, 09:00-09:45 JST Do our students write more than students used to 25 years ago? The internet and smartphones have changed the way that we communicate and interact in our daily lives - even with foreign languages. CEFR offers some insights into how we learn and can teach languages. The presenter will outline the changes in the CEFR Companion Volume (2020) descriptors and suggest practical ways to integrate them into teaching L2 writing. The Companion Volume updates and extends the original CEFR with new descriptors relevant to teaching writing - especially for the lower levels (pre-A1 to B1), as well as for online interaction, plurilingual/ pluricultural competence, and mediation. The new descriptors for mediation offer insights into ways to use students’ L1 or other languages (L3, L4 . . .) in target language learning and assessment. The Companion Volume also continues to view students as active social agents in their own learning, to encourage an active learning approach, and to focus on what language learners "can do" - not on what they cannot. In particular, the presentation will focus on CEFR as related to CALL and extensive writing task design. John Bankier, Adapting CEFR Can-dos to Self-access Learning, Sun, May 16, 10:30-10:55 JST The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) describes a six-point scale for language abilities/competencies as can-do statements. According to the University of Cambridge (2011), CEFR is frequently used as a planning tool for development of language learning textbooks, examinations, syllabuses and curricula. As well as allowing comparisons of different contexts and programs, when adapted, the can-do statements can clarify the goals and objectives of language curricula into clear and achievable competencies. This presentation will describe a process of aligning existing self-access centre (SAC) facilities to CEFR by adapting can-do statements. Facilities included multi-lingual conversation lounges, an English writing centre and a test-preparation consultation service staffed by students and faculty. I will explain the selection and adaptation of can-do statements and how this process led me to reconsider whether the SAC provided learners the best opportunities to develop their language skills and autonomy. While the pandemic prevented the project’s on-the-ground implementation in 2020, the planned next steps for dissemination of the can-do statements will be described. The presenter will also address the general benefits and challenges of aligning language learning curricula and self-access programs to frameworks like the CEFR. SUN 11:00 – 11:25 Cancelled Barry Condon, Netflix x CEFR: What should our students really be watching?, Sun, May 16, 11:30-11:55 JST Recommending that students watch TV shows and films in their second language has long been common practice among educators. While all L2 exposure is to be encouraged, not all content is created equal. We may suggest that students watch a particular show or movie for a variety of readily apparent reasons such as general suitability, subject matter, and entertainment value while perhaps the most important factor that should be considered, the true level of language input, often remains oblique. This presentation will examine the results of a text analysis of a variety of television shows and films that are typically available to students in order to determine which content contains the most comprehensible input for learners across each level. Moreover, an explanation of the methodology behind the analysis will be presented, giving educators the tools to conduct similar analyses and to provide better-informed future recommendations.
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Archive of CEFR related events in 2020
BizCom & CEFR
JALT 2020 online (November 2020)
CLIL & CEFR online (October 2020)
PanSIG 2020 online (June 2020)
These were the events at JALT 2020 Online: November 16th-23rd, 2020 JALT 2020 Communities of Teachers and Learners (Conference Online) see details With various presentations related to CEFR & LP SIG: November 17th, 2020 19:30 - 20:30 Adapting can do descriptors to remote teaching November 20th, 2020 19:45 - 21:15 CEFR & LP SIG Forum & AGM: Aligning CEFR to current practices - First steps for action research November 21th, 2020 10:45 - 11:45 Colin Rundle, Koki Tomita, Tetsuko Fukawa Initiating a CEFR Alignment Project 11:55 - 12:20 Jean-Pierre Richard TOEIC L&R and CEFR-J Can-Do Self-Assessment Scores 12:50 - 13:50 Jim D'Angelo Alexander Imig Academic Writing and Mediation – CEFR-informed 14:00 - 14:25 Tyson Rode, Patrizia M.J. Hayashi Steps to a Successful CEFR-Aligned Placement Test The conference was held from Monday, November 16th to Monday, November 23rd, 2020. Presentations related to CEFR & LP SIG Tuesday November 17th, 19:30 - 20:30 JALT 2020 Online Emergency Remote Teaching and Learning: Adapting can do descriptors to remote teaching (CEFR & LP SIG) Workshop (ID #788) - Presenters: Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Yukie Saito, Engel Villareal Summary: ‘Can do’ descriptors are an important tool to make learning outcomes transparent to learners and stakeholders. The extended version of the CEFR, the CEFR Companion Volume (Council of Europe 2018), offers ‘Can do’ descriptors for telecommunication. This workshop will examine a range of related descriptors, discuss their applicability, including an online oral assessment using CEFR as a rubric base, and give hints to adapt the descriptors to various contexts of emergency remote teaching and learning. Abstract: This workshop aims to examine ‘Can do’ descriptors which are an important tool to make learning outcomes transparent to learners and stakeholders. This is indispensable in emergency remote teaching and learning scenarios. The CEFR Companion Volume (Council of Europe 2018), an extended version of the CEFR, introduced an update to the CEFR illustrative descriptors by “responding to demands ... for descriptors for other communicative activities such as online interaction, using telecommunications” (CEFR/CV COE 2018, 23). In relation to online communication, or machine-mediated interaction, the addendum implies acknowledgment of the difference between that of mediated and face-to-face interaction. “There are emergent properties of group interaction online that are almost impossible to capture in traditional competence scales focusing on the individual’s behavior in speech or in writing. For instance, the availability of online resources that can be shared in real-time. For instance, the availability of online resources that can be shared in real-time. On the other hand, there may be misunderstandings that are not spotted (and corrected) immediately online, which is often easier done with face-to-face communication. Some requirements for successful communication are: the need for more redundancy in messages; the need to check that the message has been correctly understood; the ability to reformulate in order to help comprehension, dealing with misunderstanding; and the ability to handle emotional reactions.” (CEFR/CV COE 2018, 96-98) This workshop will present a range of descriptors, examine, and discuss their applicability for online teaching, and give hints to adapt the descriptors to specific contexts of emergency remote teaching and learning. It will include a case study of an online oral assessment using CEFR as a rubric base. The CEFR & LP SIG Forum and the AGM on November 20th, 2020 from 19:45 - 21:15 online Aligning CEFR to current practices - Identifying needs of learners and teachers / in the classroom - First steps for action research CEFR & LP SIG will have a joint Forum and AGM on Friday, November 20th, 2020 from 19:45 to 21:15 held online as part of JALT 2020 International Conference Online. The Forum and the AGM (Annual General Meeting) can be attended by anyone who registered for the JALT conference. Here is the link: 1) The CEFR & LP SIG Forum will be held from 19:45 to 20:45 and will explain about the new kaken project, its aim and objective and the call for collaborators. 2) The CEFR & LP SIG AGM is open to all SIG members and will be held from 20:45 to 21:15. SIG members will be informed and invited indivually by email. * * * * * * * Other CEFR & LP SIG related presentations at JALT 2020 online are on Sat November 21st: Sat November 21st, 2020: 10:45 - 11:45 Initiating a CEFR Alignment Project - Colin Rundle (Soka University), Koki Tomita (Soka University), Tetsuko Fukawa (Soka University) This presentation reports on the process of aligning an existing freshman English communication course with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The presenters detail their bottom-up approach, highlighting pitfalls and successes of including instructor and student voices in the alignment process. Actual examples of the new curriculum, input and feedback from instructors, and results of a needs analysis conducted among students will be shared. Sat November 21st, 2020: 11:55 - 12:20 TOEIC L&R and CEFR-J Can-Do Self-Assessment Scores - Jean-Pierre Joseph Richard (The University of Nagano) This replication study of Runnels (2016) investigated relationships between TOEIC L&R and CEFR-J can-do self-assessment scores. Participants (N = 54) completed an online-form with the CEFR-J statements. First, CEFR-J levels performed as predicted, with no mismatching but some overlapping of ability levels. Second, weak-to-moderate correlations between TOEIC Reading and reading self-assessment scores were found, and none-to-weak for listening. The results and the implications of these findings, and in relationship to Runnels, are discussed. Sat November 21st, 2020: 12:50 - 13:50 Academic Writing and Mediation – CEFR-informed - Alexander Imig (Chukyo University), James D'Angelo (Chukyo University) After the explanation of the key (academic) writing concepts in context of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) and the concept of (language) "Mediation" (from the 2018 CEFR Companion volume, a download from the Internet is recommended) the workshop part give participants the opportunity to Mediate concepts themselves or (in another group) to evaluate texts from students in order to familiarize teachers with Mediation strategies. Sat November 21st, 2020: 14:00 - 14:25 Steps to a Successful CEFR-Aligned Placement Test - Tyson Rode (Meikai University), Patrizia M.J. Hayashi (Meikai University) In this presentation, two university educators will discuss from a practical perspective, the methodologies involved in designing, implementing, and evaluating a CEFR-aligned placement test for 1st-year and 2nd-year non-English majors students at a Japanese university. This presentation explains the challenges involved and the solutions undertaken in moving from an official third-party exam to an original CEFR-aligned exam. Sat November 21st, 2020 Best of JALT Ceremony: CEFR & LP SIG, Best of JALT 2019, nominated in 2020, are the nominees are Colin Thompson and Tim Woolstencroft * * * * * * * * * Symposium & Workshop on CEFR and CLIL (Click here for flyer) The praxis of teaching, learning, and assessmentwith CEFR and CLIL October 23rd - 25th, 2020 See more details at the following link, a special CEFR and CLIL site click here This is a joint event of JALT CEFR & LP SIG, JALT Akita Chapter and Akita International University (host). With increased interest in the integration of CEFR and CLIL, this international symposium & workshop serves to further the educational discussion within CEFR in all levels of education, with the additional understanding of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Instruction). Our goal is to create a forum for discussions promoting the understanding of concepts related to, applications of, and future directions of CEFR and CLIL in Japan and beyond. We are aiming to bridge the research and practice divide and will provide a rich context for discussion throughout the conference. The intended goal is to engage the audience in the themed discussions and provide theoretically informed ideas, activities, and procedures they can integrate in their classrooms. Presentations (thematic discussion, poster and workshop) will be arranged in thematic block sessions including discussion sessions. These discussions are based on the conference theme and will be moderated. Invited Speakers are Dr. Yuen Li LO (University of Hong Kong) Dr Yuen Yi Lo is an Associate Professor at the Teacher Education and Learning Leadership (TELL) Unit of the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. She received her doctorate at the University of Oxford. Her research interests include bilingual education, Medium of Instruction policy and classroom interaction. In recent years, she has been investigating the professional development of teachers in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and issues related to CLIL assessment. She has recently published her book “Professional Development of CLIL Teachers”. Dr Lo is well experienced of running CLIL workshops for teachers in Hong Kong and China, assisting them in applying CLIL in classrooms. Dr. Masashi Negishi (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) Dr Masashi Negishi is a professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. He received his PhD from the University of Reading, UK. He has participated in a number of research projects, including national education surveys and the development of several English proficiency tests in Japan. He heads the CEFR-J Project, and his current interests include the application of the CEFR to language teaching in Japan and the development of the CEFR-J based tests. See more details at the following link, a special CEFR and CLIL site click here * * * * * * On August 20th, 2020 at 7 p.m. (19:00, Tokyo time, JST) s the Joint Webinar of JALT CEFR & LP SIG with JALT BizCom SIG was held on Business English as a Lingua Franca and the CEFR Companion Volume in a Japanese context by Katrin Lichterfeld (Germany, intercultural business trainer) Thank to your professional presenter Katrin Licherfeld and to BiZCom Alan Simpson for the marvelous cooperation. In spite of an increase in educational and in-company programmes, Japan is among the four countries (together with China, Russia and South Korea), where employers notice the highest gap between English skills required in the workplace and those available. What support could the CEFR Companion Volume (2018) and the use of BELF offer? Many consider these two topics as an enormous shift of paradigm for all the stakeholders involved. Some even think that the use of BELF is also an Anglo-western threat to Japanese norms of communication. Katrin Lichterfeld will provide you with a kind of BELF toolbox to bridge the gap between theory and practice in this webinar. She will address how to deal with a societal need for global English and a lack of exposure to English in the daily lives of Japanese learners? Additionally, she will discuss activities can raise Japanese learner’s BELF awareness toward increasing their linguistic repertoire as well as intercultural communicative competence. After working in the export department of a beverage group, Katrin Lichterfeld did an MA (Second language acquisition) and a CertIBET. She has been working as an in-company trainer (business communication skills and intercultural competence) in Germany for nearly two decades. She is also a participant of the EU-funded ENRICH project “English as a Lingua Franca practices for inclusive multilingual classrooms”. (Article from 2019 of K. Lichterfeld ( * * * * * * * On July 11th, 2020 (Saturday) 3 p.m - 5 p.m. a joint online event with Nagano (Shinshu) chapter was held. We want to say THANK YOU for the wonderful support of our hosts! The title was The CEFR and the CEFR/CV from a practitioners’ point of view Event Speakers: Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Noriko Nagai, Gregory Birch, Jack Bower The event was recorded and is available. Pan SIG 2020 Online was held on June 20th (Sat) and 21th (Sun), 2020. PanSIG 2020 Online was held and it was a superb event. Thank you all who took part in it and joint the CEFR & LP SIG Forum as a CEFR- Talk. We had time to share and discuss various aspects of the CEFR and the CEFR/CV we would like to persue. CEFR – TALK – A CEFR & LP SIG Special PanSIG Online Forum This Forum is an open CEFR – Talk. CEFR & LP SIG members and anyone who is interested in the CEFR, the CEFR/CV and related topics are kindly invited to this lunchtime talk on the CEFR. There are various topics to share: First is the new research project (Kaken) on “Language Education reform using action research: Consulting the CEFRs educational principles” 「アクションリサーチの手法を用いた言語教育改善: CEFRの教育理念を参考にして」. We are looking for people getting involved using the CEFR and doing action research. Second, the recent development in remote emergency teaching could be an incentive to do research on online teaching and the CEFR & CEFR/CV, discussing and adapting for example related ‘Can Do’ descriptors. Third, other fields were CEFR & CLIL (conference in October), CEFR & tasks for teaching/assessment, CEFR & mediation, ... As format for the forum this could be a general talk (all) or with breakout sessions (thematically). The new normal opens up different pathways. Looking forward meeting people interested in the CEFR! You are welcome! * * * * * * * * * * * * The following webinar was held on April 9th, 2020. It is now available as a YouTube video on a JALT BizCom SIG channel, click (here). Mediation, interaction and pluricultural competence: How can the new CEFR help English teachers? Held by Kerstin Waechter. The flyer is still available (click here). - This was a joint event of JALT Bizcom SIG, CEFR & LP SIG and ICLE SIG. Thank you for the cooperation. In this webinar, Kirsten Waechter will take a closer look at some new features of the revised CEFR framework for language learning and will explore to what extend it can help English teachers in their job. The new CEFR now reflects skills and competence a lot more detailed, allowing for better descriptions of competence and skills. Its new categories include pluricultural skills, mediation and a closer look at functions of interaction and production, for example in correspondence or teamwork. The extended skills descriptions can be extremely useful when designing a course or setting goals for our learners to achieve and revising whether the goals have achieved. This webinar will focus on the categories of mediation and pluricultural communication to demonstrate how the new descriptors can help us in our work. Bio: Kirsten Waechter has been a business English trainer since 1998 teaching in-company courses. Today she focuses on teaching business communication, ESP and intercultural courses. She is also a materials writer and translator. * * * * * Archiv on CEFR-related events in 2020: March 8th CEFR in Kyoto has been canceled March 14th & 15th: CEFR-J has been canceled. JALT CEFR & LP Events in 2019: April 19th, 2020 - Joint event with Tokyo chapter (for details use the following link about the 19/4/2019 in Tokyo) May 2019 - PAN SIG 2019 at Konan University in Nishinomiya (Hyogo): CEFR & LP SIG Forum at the Pan SIG 2019 (new page) November 2019 - JALT International Conference 2019 in Nagoya CEFR & LP SIG Forum on ... December 7th, 2019 - Joint event with Nara Chapter: with Jack Bower and Gary Cook. Other CEFR-related Events JALT CEFR & LP Events in 2018: May 2018 - Pan SIG 2018 at Toyo Gakuen University in Tokyo JALT International Conference 2018 in Shizuoka. JALT CEFR & LP Events in 2017: May 2017 - PAN SIG 2017 at Akita International University (AIU) in Akita November 2017 - JALT International Conference 2017 in Tsukuba (Updated November 30th, 2024 MGS)