Copyright 2025 - 2017


Title: CEFR Journal – Research and Practice  Type: Online Journal

URL:     Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editors: Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT, Tokyo, Japan), CEFR & Language Portfolio SIG

Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Nihon University, Tokyo), Dmitri Leontjev (University of Jyväskylä, Finland), Elif Kantarcıoğlu (Bilkent University, Turkey),  Fergus O'Dwyer (Marino Institute of Education an Associated Trinity College Dublin), Elif Kantarcıoğlu (Bilkent University, Turkey), Morten Hunke (Technische Hochschule Brandenburg), Alexander Imig (Chukyo University, Nagoya)

,,ISSN: 2434-849X, DOI: 10.37546/JALTSIG.CEFR, Place: 300-1207 Ushiku (Ibaraki), Japan

Published: Volume 6 (February 2024), Volume 5 (December 2022), Volume 4 (December 2021), Volume 3 (October 2020), Volume 2 (June 2020), Volume 1 (May 2019)

Publication policy of the CEFR Journal - Reserach and Practice, for further details click here

All work published in the CEFR Journal - Research and Practice is original work, with contributions from the named authors.

The work published in the CEFR Journal - Research and Practice is open access and licensed under a Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. All articles are open access and licensed under an Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license

Authors of articles are allowed to retain publishing rights and hold the copyright without restrictions. The CEFR Journal - Research and Practice actively checks for plagiarism using Turnitin. The CEFR Journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.

Any issues regarding complaints and appeals, conflicts of interest / competing interests; ethical oversight; post-publication discussions and corrections should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The administration costs of the CEFR Journal are covered by The CEFR & Language Portfolio SIG; the CEFR Journal has no paid advertisements or other revenue sources.

In the event that the CEFR Journal is no longer published, electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content shall be made available via CLOCKSS.


 CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volumes Overview

 * * * * * * *


Volume 6 is published. The first Snapshot Talk for volume 6 was held on June 27th, 2024.

 We plan a 2nd Snapshot talk in fall 2024. Please, stay tuned.


The Call for Volume 7 is closed. Submissions are under review.

Updated October 13th, 2024, 2024 MGS

 * * * * * * *

Volume 6 (February 2024)


Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 6 (February 2024)

Volume 6 (February 2024)

Download CEFR Journal - Volume 6 (complete issue)

Table of Contents of Volume 6

Editorial by Elif Kantarcıoğlu, page 4

In Memory of Jamie Dunlea by Richard Spiby, page 5

Author: Janey Gregório, Joana Silveira
Page: 7
Author: Kerstin Pramstaller
Page: 27
Author: Marga Navarrete
Page: 43
Author: Jane Lloyd, Graham Seed, Xu Wen, Hu Yue
Page: 56
Author: Thomais Rousoulioti, Antonios Ventouris, Olympia Blatsioti, Dimitra Tsalta
Page: 80
Author: Macarena Jiménez Naranjo, Marga Navarrete, Mazal Oaknín
Page: 104
Author: Ursula Hehl, Anne Laaredj-Campbell
Page: 112
Author: Maria Teresa Berceruelo Pino, Angel Diaz Cobo, Maria Deseada Lopez Fernandez, Antonio Romero Rodriguez
Page: 137
Authors: Claudia Harsch, Valeriia Koval, Ximena Delgado-Osorio, Johannes Hartig
Page: 155
180 pages

 Volume 5 (December 2022) 

Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 5 (December 2022)

Volume 5 December 2022 the complete final version is available here

Table of Contents
Author: Neus Figueras (University of Barcelona), David Little (Trinity College Dublin), Barry O'Sullivan (British Council)
Page: 5 - 10
Authors: Monica Barsi (University of Milan), Teresa Bettarello (Provincial Centre of Adult Education, Milan)
Page: 11 - 24
Authors: David Coniam (LanguageCERT, UK), Michael Milanovic (LanguageCERT, UK), Wen Zhao (Jinan University, Guangzhou, China)
Page: 25 - 44
Authors: Tziona Levi (Israeli Ministry of Education), Simone Duval (Israeli Ministry of Education)
Page: 56 - 73

Volume 4 (December 2021) 

Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 4 (December 2021)

Table of Contents
Author: Brian North (CEFR & CEFR/CV co-author)
Page: 5 - 24
Authors: Magdalini Liontou (University of Jyväskylä) and Eva Braidwood (University of Oulu)
Page: 25 - 42
Authors: Gregory Charles Birch (Seisen Jogakuin College), Jack Victor Bower (Tezukayama University), Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University) and Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Nihon University)
Page: 43 - 65

Volume 3 (October 2020)

Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 3 (October 2021)

Table of Contents
3-1, Title: Is a self-regulatory eELP the way forward? A reflection on two decades of achievements and failures of the ELP
Author: Maria José Luelmo del Castillo (Rey Juan Carlos University) & Maria Luisa Pérez Cavana (Open University)
Page: 6-20
3-2, Title: Initial stages of individual teacher CEFR-related classroom curriculum projects at Miyazaki International College
Author: Rebecca Schmidt (Miyazaki International College) & Ellen Head (Miyazaki International College)
Page: 21-43 
3-3, Title: Learner perspectives: familiarization, knowledge, and perceptions of the CEFR
Author: Gary Cook (Hiroshima Bunkyo University) & Yukari Rutson-Griffiths (Hiroshima Bunkyo University)
Page: 44-58
3-4, Title: Investigating the difficulties for university learners of English in Japan of CEFR B1-level phrases
Author: Takeshi Matsuzaki (Meiji University) & Kevin Mark (Meiji University)
Page: 59-86
3-5, Title: Interpretation of the CEFR Companion Volume for developing rating scales in Cuban higher education
Author: Claudia Harsch (University of Bremen), Ivonne de la Caridad Collada Peña (University of Informatics Sciences, Havana), Tamara Gutiérrez Baffil (University of Pinar del Río), Pedro Castro Álvarez (University of Informatics Sciences, Havana), & Ioani García Fernández (University of Cienfuegos)
Page: 87-97
3-6, Title: Utilising pupils’ plurilingual skills: a whole-school approach to language learning in a linguistically diverse Irish primary school
Author: Déirdre Kirwan (former principal of Scoil Bhríde Cailíní)
Page: 98-103
3-7, Title: Developing an e-portfolio reflecting the concept of mediation for university students
Author: Yukie Saito (Chuo University)
Page: 104-115
3-8, Title: Classroom-based assessment of group discussion: Challenges and opportunities
Author: Olga Y. Lankina (St. Petersburg State University) & Yulia V. Petc (St. Petersburg State University)
Page: 116-125
3-9, Title: CEFR-CLIL / Action Research News
Author: Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Nihon University)
Page: 126-128

Volume 2 (June 2020) 

Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 2 (June 2020)

Table of Contents
Author: Brian North (CEFR and the CEFR/CV co-author)
Page: 8-24
Click here to download pdf
Author: Marina Perevertkina (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia), Alexey Korenev (Lomonosov Moscow State University), & Maria Zolotareva (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia)
Page: 25-39
Click here to download pdf
Author: Maria Stathopoulou (Hellenic Open University / National Technical University of Athens)
Page: 40-78
Click here to download pdf
Author: Charis-Olga Papadopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Page: 79-83
Click here to download pdf
2-5, Title: ALTE CEFR SIG
Author: Carmen Peresich
Page: 84
2-6, Title: EALTA CEFR SIG
Author: Neus Figueras
Page: 85-86
Click here to download pdf
2-7, Title: JALT CEFR & LP SIG
Author: Maria Gabriela Schmidt
Page: 87-88
2-8, Title: The EALTA UKALTA ‘Roadmap’ conference—The CEFR: a road map for future research and development—meeting overview
Author: Fergus O’Dwyer, Morten Hunke, & Maria Gabriela Schmidt
Page: 89-97
Click here to download pdf

 Volume 1 (May 2019)

Go to > CEFR Journal - Research and Practice - Volume 1 (May 2019)

Table of Contents
Author: Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Page: 5 - 17
Author: Judith Runnels (University of Bedfordshire) & Vivien Runnels (University of Ottawa)
Page: 18-32
Author: Irina Y. Pavlovskaya (St. Petersburg State University) & Olga Y. Lankina (St. Petersburg State University)
Page: 33-40
Author: Le Thi Thanh Hai (University of Foreign Languages, Hue University) & Pham Thi Hong Nhung (University of Foreign Languages, Hue University)
Page: 41-57
Author: Morten Hunke, Maria Gabriela Schmidt
Page: 58-65

All articles of CEFR Journal - Research and Practice are open access and licensed under an Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

 Last revised June 30th, 2024 (MGS)

Mission statement

Mission statement

The CEFR Journal is an online, open-access, peer-to-peer journal for practitioners and researchers. Our board of editors comprises stakeholders on a wide range of levels and from around the world. One aim of our journal is to create an open space for exchanging ideas on classroom practice and implementation related to the CEFR and/or other language frameworks, as well as sharing research findings and results on learning, teaching, and assessment-related topics. We are committed to a strong bottom-up approach and the free exchange of ideas. A journal by the people on the ground for the people on the ground with a strong commitment to extensive research and academic rigor. Learning and teaching languages in the 21st century, accommodating the 21st century learner and teacher. All contributions have undergone multiple double-blind peer reviews. 

We encourage you to submit your texts and volunteer yourself for reviewing. Thanks a million.

Aims, goals, and purposes

Aims, goals, and purposes

Our aim is to take a fresh look at the CEFR and other language frameworks from both a practitioner’s and a researcher’s perspective. We want the journal to be a platform for all to share best practice examples and ideas, as well as research. It should be globally accessible to the wider interested public, which is why we opted for an open online journal format.

The impact of the CEFR and now the CEFR Companion Volume (CEFR/CV) has been growing to previously wholly unforeseeable levels. Especially in Asia, there are several large-scale cases of adoption and adaptation of the CEFR to the needs and requirements on the ground. Such contexts often focus majorly on English language learning and teaching. However, there are other language frameworks, such as the ACTFL and the Canadian benchmarks, while the Chinese Standard of English (CSE) is also on its way. On the one hand there is a growing need for best practice examples in the form of case studies, and on the other hand practitioners are increasingly wanting to exchange their experiences and know-how. Our goal is to close the gap between research and practice in foreign language education related to the CEFR, CEFR/CV, and other language frameworks. Together, we hope to help address the challenges of 21st century foreign language learning and teaching on a global stage. In Europe, many take the CEFR and its implementation for granted, and not everyone reflects on its potential uses and benefits. Others are asking for case studies showing the effectiveness of the CEFR and the reality of its usage in everyday classroom teaching. In particular, large-scale implementation studies simply do not exist. Even in Europe, there is a center and a periphery of readiness for CEFR implementation. It is difficult to bring together the huge number of ongoing projects from the Council of Europe (CoE), the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML), and the EU aiming to aid the implementation of the CEFR. This results in a perceived absence in the substance of research. Outside Europe, the CEFR has been met with very different reactions and speeds of adaptation and implementation. Over the last few years, especially in Asia, the demand by teachers for reliable (case) studies has been growing.
For more than a decade, the people behind this journal – the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) CEFR & Language Portfolio special interest group (CEFR & LP SIG) – have been working on a number of collaborative research projects, yielding several books and textbooks, as well as numerous newsletters. This is a not-for-profit initiative; there are no institutional ties or restraints in place. The journal aims to cooperate internationally with other individuals and/or peer groups of practitioners/researchers with similar interests. We intend to create an encouraging environment for professional, standard-oriented practice and state-of-the-art foreign language teaching and research, adapted to a variety of contexts.

 Editorial Advisory Board

Editorial advisory board

Gregory Birch (Seisen Jogakuin College, Japan)
Jack Bower (Waseda University, Japan)
David Bowskill (Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany)
Jamie Dunlea (British Council, UK) +, Volume 6 is dedicated to him.
Neus Figueras (University of Barcelona, Spain)
Vincent Folny (CIEP, France)
Dafydd Gibbon (Bielefeld University, Germany)
Marita Härmälä (Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, Finland)
Bettina Hermoso-Gomez (University of Leeds, UK)
Antonio Jimenez-Munoz (University of Oviedo, Spain)
Bärbel Kühn (Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Noriko Nagai (Ibaraki University, Japan)
Naoyuki Naganuma (Tokai University, Japan)
Pham Thi Hong Nhung (University of Foreign Languages, Hue University, Vietnam)
Brian North (co-author CEFR and CEFR Companion Volume)
Barry O'Sullivan (British Council, UK)
Cristina Rodríguez (EOI Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Judith Runnels (University of Bedfordshire, UK)
Nick Saville (Cambridge Assessment English, UK)
Yukio Tono (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan)
Carolyn Westbrook (British Council, UK)
Aaron Woodcock (University of Reading, UK)
Editing and proofreading team
See each volume
Malcolm Swanson

Publication Statement of the CEFR Journal

Publication Statement of the CEFR Journal
All work published in the CEFR journal is original work, with contributions from the named authors.
The work published in the CEFR journal is open access and licensed under a Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence.
Authors of articles are allowed to retain publishing rights and hold the copyright without restrictions. The CEFR Journal actively checks for plagiarism using Turnitin. The CEFR Journal does not charge article processing charges or submission charges.
Any issues regarding complaints and appeals, conflicts of interest / competing interests; ethical oversight; post-publication discussions and corrections should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The administration costs of the CEFR Journal are covered by The CEFR & Language Portfolio SIG; the CEFR Journal has no paid advertisements or other revenue sources.
In the event that the CEFR Journal is no longer published, electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content shall be made available via CLOCKSS.

Submission (Call for papers volume 7 -  O P E N until June 30th, 2024)

Call for contributions for volume 7 (2024) is closed now. Submission are under revision.

Theme: CEFR and CEFR/CV, Language Portfolio and related themes

For starters, we are looking for abstracts of 250-300 words (excluding keywords and bibliography) (closed actually).

Categories for contribution we are looking for are:
articles (4,500-6,000 words),
work in progress/practice reports (2,000-3,000 words),
book reviews (400-500 words), or
conference reports (400-500 words).

We are especially – but not exclusively – seeking contributions addressing theoretical and/or practical issues surrounding the CEFR, the CEFR Companion Volume (CV). The CEFR Journal is keen to learn your thoughts on this matter.
The abstracts need to state the category, give an outline of the intended text, name a minimum of five keywords, and present a preliminary bibliography.

If and when chosen by the CEFR Journal Editorial Advisory Board – see p. 3 in volume 1 (plus, additional more recently recruited experts in the field). All contributors will be contacted after preliminary screening. If accepted you will be asked to submit your text. A double blind peer review will follow. You may be asked to revise your text, before it becomes part of the next volume of our exciting new CEFR Journal.

Please direct all communication towards This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to your contributions.

Submission (Call for Papers)

This journal attempts to fall somewhere in between an inaccessible academic journal (long waiting times, fairly strict guidelines/criteria) and a newsletter (practical in nature but lacking in theoretical support/foundation), linking research of a practical nature with relevant research related to foreign language education, the CEFR, other language frameworks, and the European Language Portfolio. While the CEFR was introduced by the Council of Europe and intended for use, first and foremost, within Europe, the influence of the CEFR now has to be attested in many places beyond European borders. It has become a global framework, impacting a variety of aspects of language learning, teaching, and assessment across countries and continents beyond the context for which it was originally created. As such, there is a pressing need to create a quality forum for sharing research, experiences, and lessons learned from applying the CEFR in different contexts. This journal provides such a forum where people involved or interested in processes of applying the CEFR can share and learn from one another.

 We are continuously seeking contributions related to foreign language education, the CEFR, other language frameworks, and the European Language Portfolio. We are particularly interested in specific contextual adaptations.

Please contact the editors and submit to:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Submission: Annually by February 28th
Contributions: Articles (research), reports (best practice, work in progress, conference
presentations), research notes, book reviews, information exchange
Language(s): English (British, American, international) preferred, but not mandatory.
Other languages by request, with an extended abstract in English.
Review type: Peer review, double blind


Peer review guidelines:

We ask all peer reviewers to make every reasonable effort to adhere to the following ethical guidelines for the CEFR Journal – Research and Practice submissions that they have agreed to review:

  1.  Reviewers must give unbiased consideration to each manuscript submitted for consideration for publication, and should judge each on its merits, without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author(s).
  2. Reviewers should declare any potential conflict of interest prior to agreeing to review a manuscript, including any relationship with the author that may potentially bias their review.
  3. Reviewers must keep the peer review process confidential; information or correspondence about a manuscript should not be shared with anyone outside the peer review process.
  4. Reviewers should provide a constructive, comprehensive, evidenced, and appropriately substantial peer review report.
  5. Reviewers must avoid making statements in their report that might be construed as impugning a person’s reputation.
  6. Reviewers should make all reasonable efforts to submit their report and recommendation in a timely manner, informing the editor if this is not possible.
  7. Reviewers should call to the journal editor’s attention any significant similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any published paper or submitted manuscript of which they are aware.

Adapted from © Taylor & Francis Online

Author instructions:

deGruyter Mouton guidelines for Language Learning in Higher Education (CercleS) and style sheet


(Updated October 13th, 2024 MGS)

CEFR Journal – Research and Practice

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.