1. Book Publications
The following publications are results of research and research on practice conducted by CEFR & LP SIG (former FLP SIG) members and invited researchers and practitioners in Japan and beyond in the field of CEFR and foreign language education since 2009:
Gregory C. Birch, Noriko Nagai, Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Jack V. Bower (Eds.) (2024, November): Putting the CEFR into Practice Through Action Research.Reflecting on Principles for Foreign Language Teaching. Singapore: Springer.
Foreword by Anne Burns
With seven studies from Mark de Boer & Dmitri Leontjev, Rebecca Schmidt, Engel Villareal, Paul Wicking, Gregory C. Birch, Takanori Omura and Colin Rundle.
With experts comments by Neus Figueras, Brian North and David Little.
Outcome of KAKEN research project no. 20K00759 (アクションリサーチの手法を用いた言語教育改善:CEFRの教育理念を参考にして).
Noriko Nagai, Gregory C. Birch, Jack V. Bower, Maria Gabriela Schmidt
CEFR-informed Learning, Teaching and Assessment. A Practical Guide. Singapore: Springer, 2020.
Outcome of KAKEN research project no. 16K02835 (CEFRに依拠した言語教育改善の支援システムの構築).
Fergus O'Dwyer, Morten Hunke, Alexander Imig, Noriko Nagai, Naoyuki Naganuma, Maria Gabriela Schmidt (Ed.) (2017). Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: September 2017. (English Profile, volume 6).
Outcome of KAKEN research project no. 26370624 (日欧に於けるCEFRに依拠した言語教育の建設的検証:言語教育の改善を目指して)
Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O'Dwyer. Connections to Thinking in English: The CEFR-informed EAP. Textbook Series B1(A2+) to B1+. Tokyo: Asahi Press. March 2015.
One purpose of this textbook is to encourage learners to see how can do statements can be used in self-assessment, goal-setting and reflection of level appropriate and suitably scaffolded learning goals in a series of skill-integrated learning tasks. If you are interested in an inspection copy, please contact the SIG.
Outcome of KAKEN research project no. 24520611 (CEFRに準拠した技能統合型英語テキストの開発と学習者・教師自律支援環境の構築)
Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O'Dwyer, Alexander Imig and Kazumi Sakai (Eds.) (2010). Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond. - Application of the CEFR -. 日本と諸外国の言語教育におけるCan-Do評価 – ヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠(CEFR)の適用 –.
Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2010. (Sorry sold out.) Second edition (May 2015), now available as e-book.
For the table of contents see below
2. The CEFR & LP SIG (former FLP SIG) Newsletter LINK
The purpose of the CEFR & LP SIG is to share and discuss ideas: we would like to hear what are doing in your classes and institutions. Please feel free to submit your writing for submission to the newsletter. This can come in the form of short reports of full -length articles. It can cover past, present and future activities that you would to discuss or receive advice about. Other articles can include research articles, essays regarding pertinent issues, and reports on conferences or presentations you gave/attended.
To see below tables of contents of the books, read here:
2010: Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond. - Application of the CEFR -. 日本と諸外国の言語教育におけるCan-Do評価 – ヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠(CEFR)の適用 –. Edited by Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O'Dwyer, Alexander Imig and Kazumi Sakai. Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2010. (Sorry sold out.) Second edition (May 2015), now available as e-book.
Table of Contents
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2015 Connections to Thinking in English: The CEFR-informed EAP. Textbook Series B1(A2+) to B1+. Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O'Dwyer. Tokyo: Asahi Press. March 2015.
One purpose of this textbook is to encourage learners to see how can do statements can be used in self-assessment, goal-setting and reflection of level appropriate and suitably scaffolded learning goals in a series of skill-integrated learning tasks. If you are interested in an inspection copy, please contact the SIG.
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2017 Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond. Edited by Fergus O'Dwyer, Morten Hunke, Alexander Imig, Noriko Nagai, Naoyuki Naganuma, Maria Gabriela Schmidt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: September 2017. (Englisch Profile volume 6).
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(Updated October 12th, 2024 MGS)