Copyright 2025 - 2017

The 4th book publication related to the outcome of research conducted by members of JALT CEFR & LP SIG is the following book, published in July 2020:


Noriko Nagai, Gregory C. Birch, Jack Bower, Maria Gabriela Schmidt.

CEFR-informed Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Practical Guide.

Singapore: Springer, 2020. (Springer texts in Education). ISBN 9789811558931.


To introduce the book to your colleagues and friends, please refer the book product page:

The eBook is available here:


 We are happy to announce the publication of our 4th book as an outcome of our Kaken research project no. 16K02835:


If you are interested in reviewing the book, please contact us.


Special Acknowledgement

This whole project would have not been realized without the very generous support by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid research funds project no. 16K02835 and 16K02834.

While writing this book parts of the book were presented at several conferences including the 2018 CercleS International conference XVI in Poznan, Poland, JALT 44th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning in Shizuoka, Japan and JALT PAN-SIG 2018 Conference in Tokyo, Japan.

We are deeply grateful to participants of the conferences and to members of JALT CEFR & LP SIG who provided comments on our work and encouragements.

Our gratitude also goes to Morten Hunke and Naoyuki Naganuma who are part of the research team and helped develop ideas for the book. We are very grateful to Fergus O’Dwyer and Judith Runnels who gave valuable and insightful comments. Lastly but not least we are thankful for Theron Muller who painstakingly copy edited this volume.

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Other books of JALT CEFR & LP SIG (former FLP SIG) as part of the SIG reserach:

(1) Can do statements in language education in Japan and beyond - Applications of the CEFR - / 日本と諸外国の言語教育におけるCan-Do評価ーヨーロッパ言語共通参照枠【CEFR)の適用ー / Kannbeschreibungen im Sprachunterricht in Japan - Der Gemeinsame Europäische Referenzrahmen (GeR) in der Praxis -. Edited by Maria Gabriela Schmidt, Naoyuki Naganuma, Fergus O'Dwyer, Alexander Imig und Kazumi Sakai. Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2010. ISBN 978-4-255-00558-4.


(2) Connections to Thinking in English. The CEFR-informed EAP Textbook Series. B1(A2+) to B1+. Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O'Dwyer. Tokyo: Asahi Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-4-255-15561-6.


(3) Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond. Edited by Fergus O'Dwyer, Morten Hunke, Alexander Imig, Noriko Nagai, Naoyuki Naganuma, Maria Gabriela Schmidt. Cambridge (Great Britain): Cambridge University Press, 2017. ISBN: 978-1-316-63823-1.


(Update: October 12th, 2024 MGS)

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.