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CEFR & LP SIG Newsletter No. 35 - August 2022 - Read here or download the pdf (click here)


CEFR & LP SIG Newsletter No. 35 – August 2022


Dear members of the CEFR & LP SIG,

The summer heat let us sweat and many of us are looking forward to the summer break. This newsletter no. 35 comes a little later than planned, please accept our sincere apologies. It includes news and will look ahead to the events in fall 2022 followed by reports on activities during this spring-summer. Hopefully, in this issue, you will find something that catches your interest.

Thank you for voting for the Best of JALT nominee for the CEFR & LP SIG, considering presentations and papers during 2021. The winner will get the Michele Steele Best of JALT Award for CEFR & LP SIG at the JALT conference in November. See more on page 3~

Call for featured articles. We want to encourage you, our SIG members, to share your expertise using the CEFR and the Language Portfolio by writing a featured article for our CEFR & LP SIG Newsletter. You can spread the word to colleagues too, who are do related studies and research See more on page 13~

On June 30th, 2022 – LASLLIAM (Literacy and Second Language Learning for the Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants) was launched by the Council of Europe. It is a new reference guide aiming for inclusion of people with migration background. The guide has some unique features, and the concept might be inspiring for the Japanese context of foreign language learning and teaching as well. See more on page 4 ~

Looking ahead
JALT 2022 International Conference is planned to be face-to-face from November 11th to 14th, 2022 in Fukuoka with the theme Learning from Students, Educating Teachers—Research and Practice. By registering early (by Oct 31st) you can get a good rate. See more on page 7~

First is the report on the Workshop with Neus Figueras held on Saturday, May 21st, 2022 on Aligning current practice to the CEFR: First steps. See more on page 8~

Then we had a meeting of the Portfolio Roundtable Talk on June 4th, 2022, with a vivid discussion on the use of an e-portfolio vs. paper-version portfolio. See more on page 9~

PanSIG 2022 was held finally as a face-to-face conference with hybrid elements in Nagano from July 8th to 10th, 2022 See page 10~

The CEFR Journal – Practice and Research Volume 5 is underway please think of submitting for Volume 6, the call of Submission will be February 28th, 2023.
Call for reviewers and proofreaders. Interested in reading it first hand, and giving feedback?
See more at and on page 14~

If you would like to organize a joint event with the CEFR&LP SIG, please contact one of our officers. We ask all our members to become involved with organizing meetings and mini-conferences and by contributing to our newsletter. We’d love your cooperation to make this happen.


Thank you for being a member of JALT CEFR&LP SIG!
Gabriela Schmidt and Takanori Omura
On behalf of all officers.

For the most updated version of the events, please visit

Contents of Newsletter 35 – August 2022
Best of JALT for CEFR & LP SIG                                                                  03
News from the CoE and other CEFR related events and organizations
LASLLIAM (CoE, 2022)                                                                              04
CercleS September 2022                                                                           04
Bremer Symposium March 2023, Cfp open                                                  05
JACET Language Education Expo, March 5th, 2023 Cfp open                         05
JLTA November 2022                                                                                06
JALT 2022 Conference, November 11th to 14th, 2022 in Fukuoka                  07      

Research project                                                                                      08
Aligning of Current Practice to the CEFR (Neus Figueras) Workshop              08
Portfolio Roundtable Talk and the new Working Group                                 09
PanSIG 2022                                                                                          10
Call for Featured articles                                                                          13
CEFR Journal – Research and Practice                                                       14
Calls, Planning and Events in 2022 - 2023- At a glance                                16


(September 18th, 2022 MGS)

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.