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JALT CEFR&LP SIG Newsletter No. 21 - May 2018

Dear members of CEFR & LP SIG,

CEFR&LP SIG is growing! The membership status as of May 1st, 2018 was 53 members, a new historic high! Thank you very much to all members for supporting the SIG. Every single member is very valuable to our SIG!

The next event this month is Pan SIG 2018 in Tokyo at Toyo Gakuen University (Hongo Campus). CEFR & LP SIG will host two events, both will be held on Sunday, May 20th, 2018. You can attend and register on-site. There are many other interesting presentations at Pan SIG 2018, so please drop by!
For more details and the schedule, visit:

CEFR&LP is sponsoring Mark DeBoer as our featured speaker and he will talk about CLIL and how the CEFR is useful for assessment.

The CEFR&LP SIG Forum will focus on CEFR and Curriculum as there is much interest at many universities in how CEFR can be used to change and articulate a curriculum.

Last but not least, we will have a SIG-table. You are welcome to help out.
With best regards!

Your coordinator

Gabriela Schmidt

JALT PAN SIG on May 19th and 20th, 2018
At Toyo Gakuen in Tokyo (next to Tokyo Dome City)

The CEFR&LP SIG will be involved in two events at the PAN SIG:

Sunday, May 20th, 2018 16:00-17:30, Building 4, room 4502

CEFR and Curriculum

In recent years, many universities in Japan are revising their curriculum by using the CEFR or the CEFR-J. This CEFR&LP SIG Forum will address this topic by inviting presenters from selected universities which serve as good practice case studies. These concrete examples will give the opportunity for clear, deep insights into curriculum change. The Forum aims for an open exchange on experience, challenges and perspectives.

(2) Support of a featured speaker on CEFR & CLIL
Sunday, May 20th, 2018 11:00-11:25, Building 4, room 4404

Mark deBoer (AIU)
Conceptualizing a model for assessment in CLIL

The efficiency of CLIL instruction has been researched extensively, demonstrating its positive impact on learners. Yet, an underrepresentation of assessment as the focus of CLIL research has resulted in an unclear understanding of what assessment in the CLIL classroom should look like or aim at. Applying CEFR principles and dynamic assessment practices, the premise that knowledge is co-constructed in social interaction through the use of language mediating subject matter and subject matter mediating the language, is one starting point for conceptualising and implementing CLIL assessment. This monistic perspective of teaching, learning, and assessment in the CLIL classroom will be discussed.
Key words: CLIL, CEFR, dynamic assessment

And there are more interesting events:

CEFR-related event by OLE SIG (Other Language Educators)

Saturday, May 19th, 2018 16:30-18:00, Building 4, room 4502

Develop Your Language and Intercultural Competences
This forum’s presentations will explore the teaching and education of other foreign languages such as German, Spanish, French, and Chinese at the university level in Japan. Language education has to bear constant changes caused by G-N-L-university reform(s). Invariably, questions such as ‘What does Monkasho expect of this change and the forthcoming implementation of the CEFR?’ arise. In a globalized world, the following points need also to be addressed: ‘What are the advantages of (even very basic) multilingualism?’ and ‘How to integrate intercultural communication into language teaching?’.

And our SIG-member Yukie Saito gives a talk

Sunday, May 20th, 2018 13:00-11:25, Building 4, room 4406

Four-skill tasks reflecting Bloom’s taxonomy
In this presentation, I will discuss how Bloom’s taxonomy of lower-order to higher-order thinking skills can be incorporated into a beginner level university English class that integrates the four skills. Though instructions of the four skills often tend to focus on lower order thinking tasks for beginner level students, teachers can create more challenging tasks. As one example of four skill integrated tasks reflecting the six cognitive processes of Blooms’ taxonomy, I will introduce one task in which students write and conduct their own questionnaire, summarize the results of the questionnaire, and make a presentation based on the results.

Come and join us!
Hope to see you at PAN SIG!

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Good news:

CERCLES 2018 – presentation accepted!

The proposal of our research group members on “Teacher development: Resources and devices to promote reflective attitudes toward their profession” has been accepted. CERCLES is a very highly regarded conference of Language Centers in Europe of Higher Education. We are happy that this will be an opportunity to present the results of our third kaken research project. We are now in the third year and the dissemination of the results is vital.

Of course, you as our members will have the opportunity at JALT International conference in Shizuoka to hear and discuss the results of the research.

JALT International 2018 will be held
in Shizuoka on November 24th to 26th, 2018.

Come and take part in the CEFR&LP Forum.


Last but not least: Free copy
If you are interested in reviewing the CEFR & LP SIG’s edited volume from the English Profile Studies series, Volume 6 - Critical, Constructive Assessment of CEFR-informed Language Teaching in Japan and Beyond - for a journal or for our newsletter, you can get a free copy.
Please contact the coordinator of CEFR&LP SIG or any officer of the SIG.

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JALT CEFR & LP SIG – Newsletter #21 March 2018

(Updated February 24th, 2024 MGS)

To download the article as PDF, click HERE.

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.