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For downloading the CEFR LP SIG Newsletter no. 20 (March 2018) please click here


JALT CEFR&LP SIG Newsletter No. 20 - March 2018


Dear members of CEFR & LP SIG,

CEFR&LP is now a full and voting SIG - Yes, this is the breaking news from the JALT Executive Board Meeting (EBM) held on February 3rd and 4th in Ogaki (Aichi). In 2017, the CEFR & LP SIG fulfilled all the necessary requirements used for evaluation. Mark Brierley, the SIG liaison officer, submitted a motion to the EBM and the motion passed. The amazing result is: CEFR&LP SIG has been promoted from a non-voting, forming SIG to a full, voting SIG!!!

Thank you all for being a member and supporting the SIG over the years. Every single member counts. Every single contribution counts. Thank you so much!!!

In 2018 the next main JALT event is of course

JALT PAN SIG on May 19th and 20th, 2018

At Toyo Gakuen in Tokyo (next to Tokyo Dome City)

The CEFR&LP SIG will be involved in two events at the PAN SIG:


CEFR and Curriculum

In recent years, many universities in Japan have been revising their curriculum using the CEFR or the CEFR-J. This CEFR&LP SIG Forum will address this topic by inviting presenters of some selected universities as good practice case studies. These concrete examples will serve as an opportunity to gain clear, deep insight into the curriculum change process. The aim of the Forum is an open exchange on experience, challenges and perspectives.

(2) Support of a featured speaker on CEFR & CLIL

Mark deBoer (AIU)

Conceptualizing a model for assessment in CLIL

The efficiency of CLIL instruction has been researched extensively, demonstrating its positive impact on learners. Yet, an underrepresentation of assessment as the focus of CLIL research has resulted in an unclear understanding of what assessment in the CLIL classroom should look like or aim at. Applying CEFR principles and dynamic assessment practices, the premise that knowledge is co-constructed in social interaction through the use of language mediating subject matter and subject matter mediating the language, is one starting point for conceptualising and implementing CLIL assessment. This monistic perspective of teaching, learning, and assessment in the CLIL classroom will be discussed. 

Key words: CLIL, CEFR, dynamic assessment

(Updated February 24, 2024 MGS)

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.