Copyright 2024 - 2017

【研究計画】Research plan

 初年度には、海外出版社によるCEFR準拠テキストを分析し、扱われている言語素材や学習タスクを比較・整理する。また、CEFR のTシリーズ、Core Inventory、English Profileなどにおいて提供されるCEFRの各レベル別言語特徴やCEFR-Jで公開予定のアジア圏の小中高英語教科書コーパスに基づいた語彙リストも分析し、開発するテキストで対象とする語彙や文法項目を特定する。さらには、CEF-ESTIMで提供されるレベルごとのテキストやタスク記述観点やCEFR-Jの能力記述を基に、開発するテキストに用いる具体的なコンテクストやタスクのレベルを規定する条件を分析・記述する。そして、国内におけるCEFRを意識したカリキュラムでの教材使用の先行事例分析を通して、優れた取り組みを収集するとともに、日本の大学におけるCEFR導入にあたっての問題点を検討する。テキストの開発にあたっては、大学英語教育で求められるテキスト像を把握し、CEFRに準拠したテキストの受容可能性を探るために教師ニーズ調査も実施する。また、可能な範囲で具体的な事例として、CEFRに基づいた教室実践例の収集も行う。

 次年度には初年度の成果を受け、CEFRに準拠したテキストの試作版の開発を行う。開発するレベルとしては、国内の学習者の到達度に鑑み、B1からB1+へと伸ばすレベルを想定する。ただし、レメディアル措置として、本申請研究の分担者の一人が研究代表の 「ヨーロッパ言語ポートフォリオに基づいた入学前教育の体系化・標準化に関する研究」(基盤研究(C)(H22-H24)、研究課題番号:22520613))における成果を参照し、A2+の学習者がB1に能力を伸ばすための補助的な工夫も行う。テキスト開発においては、具体的な活用方法を示した教授資料や模擬授業を収めたDVDの開発も行い、教師自律支援の環境を整える。また、教室内の限られた学習時間を補い、目標到達のために必要な学習量を確保するため、教室外でニーズに応じて利用可能な自律型教材を作成し、学習目標・履歴を管理する自律学習支援のための言語ポートフォリオの開発も行う。


Research plan

In the initial year we will analyze CEFR-informed texts from international publishers in terms of language outcomes and language tasks. By analyzing the CEF-ESTIM level specific task and text descriptors, and the CEFR-J learner achievement goals for texts and tasks, we will aim to establish relevant basic content and tasks for the textbook. We will aim to specify the word lists and grammar items relevant for the textbook by analyzing the language level descriptions and word lists from the CEFR T-series, Core Inventory, English Profile and CEFR-J word list (based on analysis of major English textbooks in Asian regions). By analyzing exemplar practices in classrooms using teaching materials used in CEFR-informed curricula, we will try to suggest possible measures that should be incorporated into the textbook. We will also examine challenges when implementing the CEFR in Japanese university classes. A teacher needs survey of English language educators in university in Japan will investigate the possibility of the acceptance of CEFR-informed texts and other matters, including the scope of current classroom practices. 

In the following year, based on the research results of the previous year, we will develop the integrated skills textbook. In light of current learner achievement levels in Japan, the text will aim for a progression from B1 to B1+ level. However as a remedial measure, we will develop resources that facilitate learning progression from A2+ to B1 level. The need for this measure is based on results of the 2009-2012 kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (22520613) project “Compendium and standardization of university entrant English ability based on the European Language Portfolio”. In order to promote teacher autonomy, we will develop a DVD which will feature sample lessons and supplementary instructional materials. Furthermore, in order to supplement classroom learning, we will develop learner resources that meet needs of learner self-study, and a language portfolio that can be used to used to promote learner autonomy through recording learning experiences, setting learning targets and assessing progress.

In the final year, we will pilot the text to determine effectiveness and need for revisions. We will also develop materials that will be suitable for progression from B1+ level to B2 level.  These materials will incorporate a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach that foster global personnel skills suitable for university graduates entering the workforce. We will endeavour to spread knowhow and encourage teacher autonomy by conducting workshops that involve using the materials developed in the project. The textbooks will be published upon completion.



研究体制 Structure of the research



 長沼・永井が主に「理論研究面」を担当し、「CEFR準拠テキストの分析」や「言語教授項目・学習タスクの分析」を中心となって行う。オドワイヤー・イミックは主に「実践研究面」を担当し、「教師ニーズ調査や実践事例の収集と分析」や「パイロット利用調査・ワークショップの実施」を中心となって行う。「テキスト開発・付属資料」の開発については、メンバー全員が担当する。また、研究の推進にあたっては、JALT FLP-SIGのコーディネーターを務めるオドワイヤーが中心となり、研究部会(SIG)メンバーや他の研究部会との調整を行う。ご興味のございます方は、ご連絡ください。

Structure of the research

Naoyuki Naganuma and Noriko Nagai will focus on the theoretical side of the research, in particular the analysis of textbooks, language descriptors and tasks. Fergus O’Dwyer and Alexander Imig will focus on the actual practice side of the research, in particular the teacher needs and pilot text surveys, gathering and analysing CEFR-informed practices, and workshops. All of the above will work on developing textbook and supplementary materials. We would like to incorporate contributions from members of the FLP SIG of JALT, with the option of incorporating perspectives from other SIGS also. Please contact us if interested!



①既存の「CEFR準拠テキスト」の分析:CEFRに準拠した海外出版テキスト:English Unlimited(CUP)、New Cutting Edge(Pearson Longman)、New Headway(OUP)、Straightforward(Macmillan)を分析し、can-doリストの取り扱いや各ユニットのタスクなどとの関連の分析を行う。[担当:長沼・永井・オドワイヤー]

②開発テキストで扱う「言語教授項目」の分析:CEFR準拠テキスト分析に加えて、CEFRのThresholdシリーズの機能・概念リスト、EAQUALSのCore Inventory の文法・語彙・言語表現リスト、English Profileの語彙の語義別レベルや文法の基準特徴リスト、CEFR-Jで公開予定の教科書コーパスに基づいた語彙リストの分析を行う。[担当:長沼・永井]

③開発テキストで扱う「言語学習タスク」の分析:European Center for Modern Languages のCEF-ESTIM Gridのテキスト・タスク記述観点やCEFR-Jの能力記述を参照し、CEFR準拠テキストの学習タスク分析を行う。[担当:長沼・永井]

 ④CEFR準拠テキストの「教師ニーズ調査」の実施・分析:申請者や研究分担者の所属するJALT FLP-SIGメンバーに加えて、自律学習や教材開発に関する研究部会(SIG)にも協力を求め、CEFRに準拠した技能統合型テキストに対するニーズ調査分析を行う。[担当:オドワイヤー・イミック]

 ⑤CEFRを用いた「教室実践事例」の収集・分析:申請者や研究分担者の所属するJALT FLP-SIGメンバーを中心として、CEFR を日本の大学に適用した教室実践事例を収集し、分析を行う。[担当:オドワイヤー・イミック]

April 2012- March 2013

① Analysis of recent CEFR-informed textbooks: This will involve the analysis of can do lists, tasks and so on from textbooks which will include English Unlimited(Cambridge University Press)、New Cutting Edge(Pearson Longman)、New Headway(Oxford University Press)、Straightforward (Macmillan). [Individuals responsible for this research: Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, and Fergus O’Dwyer]

②Analysis of language descriptors: In addition to the textbook analysis, there will be an analysis of the competences and notions list of the CEFR Threshold-series, the grammar, vocabulary and linguistic expressions lists of the EAQUALS Core Inventory, the level-specific “criterial (grammatical, lexical and functional exponents) features” descriptors of the English Profile project, and the CEFR-J word lists. [Naoyuki Naganuma and Noriko Nagai]

③Analysis of language learning tasks: We will analyse the learning tasks found in the CEFR-informed textbooks using the European Center for Modern Languages’ CEF-ESTIM task and text descriptors, and the learner achievement goals of the CEFR-J. [Naoyuki Naganuma and Noriko Nagai]

 ④Teacher Needs Survey: We will conduct and analyze a survey regarding a CEFR-informed integrated skills textbook. This will be conducted with the cooperation of the member of the FLP SIG, and could also involve members of related SIGs within JALT [Fergus O’Dwyer and Alexander Imig]

 ⑤Analysis of practices in CEFR-informed classrooms: We will bring together and analyse practices in CEFR-informed classrooms in universities. This research will be centred around FLP SIG members. [Fergus O’Dwyer and Alexander Imig]







April 2013- March 2014

①Produce trial version of textbook: Based on the research results of the previous year, we will develop a trial version of a CEFR-informed integrated skills textbook. The text will aim for a progression from B1 to B1+ level. However the level of materials will incorporate resources that facilitate learning progression from A2+ [Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, and Fergus O’Dwyer] 

 ②Development of materials and language portfolio to promote autonomous learning: We will aim to develop materials that supplement classroom activities and facilitate learners working toward individual goals at their own pace. A language portfolio, with can do lists in its appendix, will allow learners to record learning experiences; and set learning targets and assessing progress. [Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O’Dwyer, and Alexander Imig]

 ③Development of a DVD of sample lessons and an instruction materials to promote teacher autonomy: Based on the analysis of practices in CEFR-informed classrooms in the initial year, we will develop a DVD which exemplifies practices and provides supplementary materials [Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, Fergus O’Dwyer, and Alexander Imig]




 ②試作版テキストの「パイロット利用調査」の実施:申請者や研究分担者の所属するJALT FLP-SIGメンバーに加えて、自律学習や教材開発に関する研究部会(SIG)にも協力を求め、試作版テキストを用いた利用調査を実施する。[担当:オドワイヤー・イミック]



April 2014- March 2015

①Revision of the trial text: Based on reaction to the pilot, we determine effectiveness and need for revisions. Alongside this we will develop a textbook that will be suitable for progression from B1+ level to B2 level. [Naoyuki Naganuma, Noriko Nagai, and Fergus O’Dwyer]

 ②Trial text Pilot Survey: This survey of educataors who have used the trial text will be conducted with the cooperation of the member of the FLP SIG, and could also involve members of related SIGs within JALT. [Fergus O’Dwyer and Alexander Imig]

 ③Workshops of text materials: We will endeavour to spread knowhow and encourage teacher autonomy by conducting workshops that involve using the materials developed in the project. [Fergus O’Dwyer and Alexander Imig]

This online toolkit is supported by KAKEN Grant-in-Aid project no. 20K00759, no. 19K00808 and no. 16K02835 and aims to support teachers of all foreign languages in Japan in using the CEFR and CEFR/CV efficiently.